
Update for Current Mentors

With recent executive orders from the new administration, we need to adjust use of some of our program resources. We are continuing the fellowship and internship programs, but we need to pause the use of new professional development funds and laboratory supply funds for 30 days. We are working with our funding partners to resolve the issue and will resume as soon as we are able. 

Welcome, Current Mentors! 

Thank you for your commitment to the Public Health Laboratory Fellowship Program! We appreciate your dedication to APHL ​and to the fellows. Your contribution defines the program and contributes to their leadership and professional development in many ways. In the dropdowns below, you can find resources that may be beneficial​ during your time as a mentor. As always, the fellowship team is here to provide assistance and guidance when you need it. You can reach the team at fellowships@aphl.org.

Office Hours​

For questions or added support, please join our Fellowship Team during our weekly office hours on Wednesdays from 3 – 4 pm ET.​​​


One of the many benefits as a mentor is your access to professional communities through APHL. The 'Mentor Community​' in ColLABorate provides a space that encourages mentors to interact with other mentors as well as post content from the fellowship experience. You can, of course, still continue to highlight your journey as a mentor on social media platforms outside of ColLABorate by using, #APHLFellowship. We look forward to learning more about you and your fellowship journey in ColLABorate!