• Welcome Fellows!

    Welcome Fellows!

Welcome APHL Fellows!​​

Use this page to find current information and resources throughout your fellowship journey!

December 2023 Handbook
Focus on Fellows APHL Portal (Onboarding Portal)Frequently Asked Questions

Professional Development Opportunities - Allows authors to insert HTML snippets or scripts.  Professional Development Opportunities

Event Description
Now accepting poster abstracts for the 2025 APHL Annual Conference10/17/20241/14/2025

​Interested in presenting a poster about your fellowship project at the 2025 APHL Annual Conference? Poster abstracts are being accepted now through January 14, 2025. Read and follow the instructions in the ‘Event Link.’ Then, to submit a poster abstract, fellows will use the ‘New User’ option by clicking the ‘Join Now’ button on the abstract submission page. Submitting a poster abstract is optional for attending fellows, it is not a requirement. As a reminder, only first-year fellows who began their fellowship on, or after, June 1, 2024, will be required to attend the 2025 APHL Annual Conference. Attendance is optional for fellows who will be in their second year during the 2025 APHL Annual Conference. Second-year fellows can choose to attend using their professional development funds. Additional attendance details will be provided to fellows in the new year. Attending fellows are encouraged to submit a poster abstract to showcase their fellowship project.  ​

Event LinkOnline
APHA 2025 CALL FOR ABSTRACTS1/8/20253/28/2025

​The American Public Health Association (APHA) is now accepting abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations for the Annual Meeting and Expo in Washington, D.C., November 2 - 5, 2025. The 2025 Annual Meeting will focus on making the public’s health a national priority as well as current and emerging public health topics.​

Event LinkOnline
Certified in Public Health (CPH) Exam Review Series1/9/20252/13/2025

​Want to feel test-ready before you sit for the Certified in Public Health (CPH) Exam? This winter's virtual review series is designed to deepen your understanding of each domain and strengthen your ability to apply this knowledge in practice.​

Event LinkOnline
Webinar: Newborn Screening Methods and Approaches for Metachromatic Leukodystrophy 1/21/20251/21/2025

​The APHL NewSTEPs New Disorders Subcommittee invites you to join a webinar on metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD). This webinar will provide an overview of the methods used in newborn screening for MLD and explore the clinical approaches to managing this condition. ​

Event LinkOnline
CDC Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS) Call1/27/20251/27/2025

​The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s Division of Laboratory Systems convenes regular Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS) calls to provide updates on emergency preparedness and response topics as well as answer questions from the laboratory and testing community.​

Event LinkOnline
APHL Webinar: Creating a Culture of Equitable Thinking1/28/20251/28/2025

​This webinar intends to inspire participants to take concrete actions that promote equity in their workplace and communities, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to thrive.​

Event LinkOnline
APHL Webinar: Exploring the Power of Long-Read Sequencing 1/29/20251/29/2025

​This webinar will focus on the cutting edge approaches and uses for long read sequencing, how they can integrate with and complement existing short read sequencing workflows and how long read sequencing technologies are being utilized in laboratories.​

Event LinkOnline
OneLab Network Webinar-Securing the Future: Exploring the Importance of Biosecurity  1/29/20251/29/2025

​This webinar will focus on the importance of biosecurity in the laboratory. ​

Event LinkOnline
Virtual Consultation: Establishing a Road Map for Accelerated Diagnosis and Treatment of HCV Infection in the US 2/11/20252/12/2025

​Virtual Consultation: Establishing a Road Map for Accelerated Diagnosis and Treatment of HCV Infection in the US ​

Event LinkOnline
Purdue University's Antimicrobial Resistance Conference2/26/20252/27/2025

​Join a diverse audience to explore antimicrobial resistance from various perspectives including public health, engineering, the environment and veterinary medicine. ​

Event LinkIn Person
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Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities - Allows authors to insert HTML snippets or scripts.  Ongoing Professional Development Opportunities

Event Description
Subscribe to DataCamp for all data science needs   

​A subscription to DataCamp will allow you to take courses and earn certificates in topic areas such as Programming, Importing and Cleaning Data, Probability and Statistics, as well as Data Engineering, Analysis, Manipulation, and Visualization; along with using technologies such as R and Python to help build your skillset. Course Catalog

Event LinkOnline
Ongoing Food and Drug Administration Events

​FDA Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops

Event LinkHybrid
Ongoing CDC Events: NIOSH

​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 

Event LinkHybrid
Ongoing CDC Events: Emergency Preparedness and Response

​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) |Emergency Preparedness and Response  

Event LinkHybrid
Ongoing ABSA Events

ABSA International (International Biosafety Association) 

Event LinkHybrid
Ongoing HACU (Hispanic Association of Colleges and Univerity) Events

​The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities, founded in 1986, represents more than 500 colleges and universities in the United States, Latin America, Spain, and school districts throughout the U.S. HACU is the only national association representing existing and emerging Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs).

Event LinkHybrid
New OneLab Reach Course: Fundamentals of Laboratory Safety!

​The CDC OneLab Network is excited to announce a new basic-level online course where you will learn about possible hazards encountered while working in a clinical or public health laboratory, ways to mitigate risks, and the proper response to incidents.

Event LinkOnline
APHL Quality Assurance ColLABorate Community

​Join the APHL Quality Assurance Community and ask your peers quality-related questions, view and/or respond to the queries. Contact APHL's Tina Su (bertina.su@aphl.org) to sign up.

Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS) Calls

​Join the Laboratory Outreach Communication System (LOCS) Calls for updates from CDC, federal partners, and professional organizations on COVID-19 and other emergency preparedness and response topics. Access the provided link for more information.​

Event LinkOnline
CDC's Division of Laboratory Systems eNewsletter

​The DLS eNewsletter from CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems is a monthly summary of events, trainings, and other resources that clinical and public health laboratory professionals can use to connect with the division and benefit from our work. Subscribe via the link by typing "Laboratory Systems" in the Search field.​​​​

Event LinkOnline
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