The conference schedule for the 10th National Conference on Laboratory Aspects of Tuberculosis is listed below. Presentations with links have been authorized to be posted on this website, but duplication is not authorized without the express written permission of the authors. If permission is granted, please cite both the author and “10th National Conference on Laboratory Aspects of Tuberculosis."
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Opening Session and Keynote
Moderator: Paula Vagnone, MT(ASCP), Minnesota Department of Health
Paula Vagnone, MT(ASCP), Minnesota Department of Health
Philip LoBue, MD, FACP, FCCP, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, CDC
Timothy Rodwell, MD, PhD, MPH, University of California at San Diego and Foundation for Innovative Diagnostics (FIND)
Is There a Better Way to Do This? A Snapshot of a Few TB Laboratory Workflows!
Moderator: Ryan Jepson, M(ASCP), State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
Jennifer Eastman, PhD, HCLD/TS(ABB), Alaska State Public Health Laboratory
Tracy Stiles, M(ASCP), William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute (MA)
Ryan Jepson, M(ASCP), State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
Paula Vagnone, MT(ASCP), Minnesota Department of Health
The Times They Are-a-Changin' - Updates in Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Moderator: Frances Tyrell, MT(ASCP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Glenn Morlock, MS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Marie-Claire Rowlinson, PhD, D(ABMM), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories
Beverly Metchock, DrPH, D(ABMM), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Anne M. Gaynor, PhD, Association of Public Health Laboratories
A Tale of Two Reports: The Trends Manuscript and Aggregate Report
Moderator: Stephanie P. Johnston, MS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Frances Tyrell, MT(ASCP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Monica Youngblood, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Highlighting the Work in Our PHLs
Moderator: Angela Starks, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Jessica Gentry, Indiana State Department of Health
Calin Chiribau, PhD, MLS(ASCP), Florida Department of Health - Bureau of Public Health Laboratories
Stacy White, PhD, Arizona Bureau of State Laboratory Services
Jan Owen, BS, Texas Department of State Health Services
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Molecular Testing: Keeping Up with the Joneses or Performing Appropriate Testing?
Moderator: Jafar H. Razeq, PhD, HCLD(ABB), Katherine A. Kelley Public Health Laboratory, Connecticut Department of Public Health
Lauren Cowan, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention & Kelly Wroblewski, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories
Kimberlee A. Musser, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health
Kevin Sohner, BS, Ohio Department of Health Laboratory
Dorothy Baynham, MT(ASCP), Tennessee State Department of Health
Exploring Developments in TB Research
Moderator: Ailyn Perez-Osorio, PhD, Washington State Department of Health
Sebastien Gagneux, PhD, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
Robert Hunter, MD, PhD, University of Texas Health Sciences Center
Updates from the CDC Applied Research Team
James E. Posey, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TB Case Studies: Lessons from the Field
Moderator: Jafar H. Razeq, PhD, HCLD(ABB), Katherine A. Kelley Public Health Laboratory (CT)
Denise Dunbar, Texas Department of State Health Services
Alla Ostash, BS, Washington State Department of Health
Ryan Jepson, M(ASCP), State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
Closing Remarks
Authors: S. Hall, N. Robinson; Alabama Bureau of Clinical Laboratories, Montgomery, Alabama
Evaluation of a Multiplexed PCR and Melt Curve Analysis Method for Rapid Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) from Positive Broth
Authors: R. Alex, D. Francis, N. Fukushima, S. Gower, J. Jaruvangsanti, S.D. White; Arizona State Public Health Laboratory, Phoenix, Arizona
Identification and validation of new mechanisms of isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Authors: J.L. Kandler1, M.N. Ezewudo1, 2, S.P. Burns1, J.E. Posey1; 1) Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, 2) Critical Path Institute, Tucson, Arizona
Authors: C. Chiribau1, M-C. Rowlinson1, S. Forhan1, A. Ashkin1, H. Perera1, D. Ashkin1, M. Lauzardo2, D. Urbine2; 1) Florida Department of Health, Tallahassee, Florida, 2) University of Florida, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Medicine, Gainesville, Florida
Evaluation of Gene Xpert MTB/RIF in 70 culture positive cases of tuberculous meningitis
Authors: K. Sharma1, M. Modi2, A. Sharma3, P. Ray1, S. Verma3; 1) Department of Medical Microbiology, 2) Department of Neurology, and 3) Department of Internal Medicine, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
Evaluation of Multi targeted Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) for Rapid Diagnosis of Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis
Authors: K. Sharma1, N. Batra1, M. Modi2, A. Sharma3, P. Ray1, S. Verma3; 1) Department of Medical Microbiology, 2) Department of Neurology and 3) Department of Internal Medicine, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
Authors: J. Gentry, E. Doraci, L. Maggard, B. Watson, S. Blosser, Indiana State Department of Health Laboratory, Indianapolis, Indiana
Authors: A. Schooley1, D. Kissner2, J. Vanneste1, S. Church1, H. Seymour1, M. Soehnlen1; 1) Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Laboratories, Lansing, Michigan, 2) Wayne State University School of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine.
Authors: S.D. Fisher, G. Kupferschmidt, J.T. Wotton, P.M. Vagnone; Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory, Infectious Disease Laboratory, St. Paul, Minnesota
T-SPOT.TB Screening in High Risk School Children in Clark County, Nevada: Evaluation of Logistics and Cost Effectiveness Relative to an Onsite QuantiFERON-TB Gold Test
Authors: K. Carifo, R. Pancholy, J. Osti, T. Fredrick; Southern Nevada Health District, Las Vegas, Nevada
Authors: D.F. Baynham, P.L. Gibbs, R.K. Morris, R.M. Rasnic; Tennessee Department of Health, Division of Laboratory Services, Nashville, Tennessee
Authors: K. Jost Jr., D. Dunbar, J. Owen; Texas Department of State Health Services, Austin, Texas
Authors: K. Pak1, 3, E. Desmond2, P. Barry3, Grace Lin2; 1) Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland, 2) Microbial Disease Laboratory, California Department of Public Health, Richmond, California and 3) Tuberculosis Control Branch, California Department of Public Health, Richmond, California
Authors: T. Stein-Hart1, J. Cummins1, M. Wright2, P. Gibbs3, J. Gibson3, R. Steece3, C. Wester1, K. Williams2, J. Warkentin1; 1) Tennessee Department of Health, 2) Tennessee Department of Corrections and 3) Tennessee Department of Health Division of Laboratory Services
Author: A. Abuarqoub; Illinois Department of Public Health, Chicago, Illinois