April 23-24, 2019 | Atlanta, GA
The conference schedule for the 11th National Conference on Laboratory Aspects of Tuberculosis is listed below. Presentations with links have been authorized to be posted on this website, but duplication is not authorized without the express written permission of the authors. If permission is granted, please cite both the author and “11th National Conference on Laboratory Aspects of Tuberculosis."
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Opening Session and Keynote
A Time and A Place: The Role of Next Generation Sequencing
Moderator: Angela Starks, PhD, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Overview of Next Generation Sequencing Approaches for Tuberculosis
Kelly Wroblewski, MPH, APHL
One Stop Shop: New York State’s Approach to TB Diagnosis
Joseph Shea, MS, New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center
Targeted NGS for TB Drug Resistance Detection
Linlin Li, PhD, California Department of Public Health, Microbial Diseases Laboratory
“Where Do We Go From Here?” Panel and Group Discussion
James E. Posey, PhD, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Edward P. Desmond, PhD, California Department of Public Health, Microbial Diseases Laboratory
Vincent E. Escuyer, PhD, New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center
TB Case Studies: Lessons from the Field
Moderator: Monica Youngblood, MPH, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Back to the Basics — Guidelines, Algorithms, Reports, Oh My!
Moderator: Marie-Claire Rowlinson, PhD D(ABMM), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories - Jacksonville
Cliff Notes of Recently Published Recommendations and Guidelines
Max Salfinger, MD, University of South Florida, College of Public Health
MALDI-‘Tough’: Implementation and Lessons Learned from a High Volume Mycobacteriology Laboratory
Frances Jamieson, MD, FRCPC, Public Health Ontario
TB Laboratory Reports Panel Discussion: "Is It All Greek to You?"
Jessica Gentry, Indiana State Department of Health
Barbara Seaworth, MD, Texas Center for Infectious Disease
Kimberly Townsend MPA, BSN, RN, Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services
Paula M. Snippes Vagnone, MT(ASCP), Minnesota Department of Health
Collecting Wisdom and Sharing Knowledge: Enhancing Multi-Generational Workforces
Co-Moderator: Yvette Vergnetti, Alaska State Public Health Laboratory
Co-Moderator: Angie Schooley, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Generations — Working Together for TB Elimination (Roundtable)
Co-Moderator: Yvette Vergnetti, Alaska State Public Health Laboratory
Co-Moderator: Anne M Gaynor, PhD, APHL
Drug Susceptibility Testing — MICs, Challenges, and Results Interpretations
Moderator: Vincent E. Escuyer, PhD, New York State Department of Health, Wadsworth Center
Discordant Results
Beverly Metchock, DrPH, D(ABMM), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Are We Ready to Report MIC Results?
Daniela Cirillo, PhD, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy
MIC Clinical Perspective
Megan Ninneman, PA, Jackson Memorial Hospital, Miami, Florida
Data Driven Science in the TB Laboratory
Moderator: Stephanie Johnston, MS, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
False Positive Investigation Toolkit
Robert Domaoal, PhD, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Tuberculosis Laboratory Aggregate Report, 5th Edition — 2014–2017
Monica Youngblood, MPH, MT (ASCP), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Assessing Laboratory Specific Data
Cortney Stafford, MPH, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Panel Discussion:
Jane Voyles, BS, Arkansas Public Health Laboratory
Jasmine Guillet, MPH, BS, Massachusetts State Public Health Laboratory
Tunisia King, BS, New Jersey Public Health and Environmental Laboratories
Dorothy Baynham, BS, Tennessee Department of Health, Laboratory Services
Denise Dunbar, BA, Texas Department of State Health Services
The Evolution of TB Research
Moderator: Tracy Dalton, PhD, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Host-Directed Approaches to TB Therapy
Suraj Sable, PhD, DVM, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Novel TB Diagnostics
Patricia Hall, PhD, MS, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
An Overview of the TB Trials Consortium
Anne E. Purfield, PhD, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
TB Case Studies: Lessons from the Field
Moderator: Cortney Stafford, MPH, MT (ASCP), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Awards and Closing Remarks
Angie Schooley, BS, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
On the Front Lines of TB Testing Award: Hector Rivas, MPH, Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory
TB Lifetime Achievement Awards:
Grace Lin, California Department of Public Health
David Warshauer, PhD, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
Beverly Metchock, DrPH, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Posters (List of all Abstracts)
An Evaluation of Testing Activities Undertaken by the National Public Health Laboratory Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) Reference Center, 2016-2018
N. Ancona1, S. Yu2, G. Lin2, E. Desmond2, T. Dalton3, S. Johnston3, A. Starks3, K. Wroblewski1, A. Gaynor1
1) Association of Public Health Laboratories; 2) Microbial Disease Laboratory, California Department of Public Health; 3) US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Tuberculosis Elimination, Laboratory Branch
Evaluation of Direct versus Concentrated NAAT on Respiratory Specimens for Rapid Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Local Jurisdiction
M.H. Zhowandai1, M. Ghajar1, S. Prabhu1, J. Low1, C. Bittencourt2, D. Constable2, M. Crumpler1, L. Thrupp2
1) Orange County Health Care Agency, Santa Ana, CA; 2) University of California Irvine Health, Orange, California
Fast and Easy Extraction for Both TB Genotyping and WGS
R. Kramer, K. Wells, L. Vibber, D. Gard, A. Schooley and M. Soehnlen
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Laboratories, Lansing, MI
Rapid Mycobacterial Identification using Real Time PCR and MALDI-TOF Testing
H. Seymour, J. Vanneste, S. Church, A. Schooley and M. Soehnlen
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Laboratories, Lansing, MI
Setting up First-line Drug Susceptibility Testing (DST) Directly from a Positive Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT): The Catalyst for a Structured Workflow in the Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS) Tuberculosis (TB) Laboratory
K. Milloy, S. McReynolds, R. Mehr, T. Bateman, B. Gardner, S. Kelley and R. Oglesby
Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services, Richmond, VA
Drug Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Isolates at the Florida State Public Health Laboratory: A Six-year Study
C. Chiribau, C. Tanner and M-C. Rowlinson, Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories, Jacksonville, FL
Comparison of Magnetic Beads Bridging Flocculation Technique with Gene Xpert MTB/RIF Assay for Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis (TBM) in High Endemic Low Resource Settings
K. Sharma, M. Modi, A. Sharma, S. Singh and P. Ray, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
Pyrazinamide Susceptibility by BACTEC MGIT 960: Are the Discrepancies Always due to the Test Method?
D. Kohlerschmidt, S. Wolfe, M. Isabelle, J. Shea, T.A. Halse, K. Musser, V.E. Escuyer
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY
Evaluation of Vitek MS v3.0 MALDI-TOF for Identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Common Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) Isolates from Clinical Specimens
K. Sharma , R. Panwar, S. Sethi, M. Modi, S. Singh, A. Sharma and P. Ray
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
Reduction of Phenotypic Susceptibility Testing through Implementation of Universal Whole Genome Sequencing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex Isolates in New York State
J. Shea, T.A. Halse, D. Kohlerschmidt, P. Lapierre, V.E. Escuyer and K.A. Musser
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY
Evaluation of rpoB Mutations in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and their Association with Rifampin Resistance during 2.5 years of Prospective Side-by-side Whole Genome Sequencing and Phenotypic Testing
J. Shea1, T.A. Halse1, D. Kohlerschmidt1, M. Isabelle1, S. Wolfe2, A. Fiero2, J.L. Rakeman2, J. Lemon2, P. Lapierre1, V.E. Escuyer1, K.A. Musser1
1) Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health, Albany, NY; 2) New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, New York, NY
TB Puerto Rico Response to Hurricane Maria
B. Jones1, K. Milloy2, M.R. Connelly3, A.M. Gaynor4, B. Metchock5, K. Klein5, S. Johnston5, M. Youngblood5, C. Stafford5, M. Yakrus5, C. Chiribau1, M-C. Rowlinson1
1) Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories-Jacksonville; 2) Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services: 3) Georgia Public Health Laboratory: 4) Association of Public Health Laboratories, 5) Division of TB Elimination, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Public-private Partnership Collaboration for Rapid Molecular Tuberculosis Testing in Guam
A.C. Whelen1, T. Koyamatsu1, A.M. Santos2, M.J. Jacar3, C. Henson3
1) Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc. (DLS), Aiea, HI; 2) Department of Public Health and Social Services (GDPHSS), Mangilao, GU, 3DLS Guam, Tamuning, GU
Multi Targeted Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) for Rapid Diagnosis of Gastrointestinal tuberculosis in 60 Minutes
S. Singh, K. Sharma, M. Modi, A. Sharma and P. Ray, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
For more information contact, Anne Gaynor, PhD, 240.485.2739, anne.gaynor@aphl.org.