
Sunday, June 11,​ 2017

Opening Session

Welcome to Providence

A. Christian Whelen, PhD, APHL President and Director, Hawaii State Laboratories Division
Ewa King, PhD, APHL President-Elect, 2017 Annual Meeting Planning Committee Chair and Director, Rhode Island State Public Health Laboratory
Nicole Alexander-Scott, MD, MPH, Director, Rhode Island Department of Health
Scott Becker, MS, Executive Director, Association of Public Health Laboratories​

Plenary Session

Public Health Labs Combating Antimicrobial Resistance on the Population Level

Moderator: Joanne Bartkus, PhD, D(ABMM), Minnesota Department of Health

Overview of the Antimicrobial Resistance Laboratory Network 
Jean Patel, PhD, D(ABMM), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Public Health Benefit of CRE Colonization Testing 
Allison C. Brown, MPH, PhD, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention

Candida auris: A New AR Threat 
Sudha Chaturvedi, PhD, New York State Department of Health

Trends in Drug Resistant Gonorrhea
Olusegun O. Soge, PhD, University of Washington

Concurrent Sessions

Laboratory Biosafety Outreach and Education: Stories from the Field in the Post-Ebola Era

Moderator: Mary Ann Sondrini, EdM, Eagleson Institute

Promoting Biosafety: How Far Have We Come? 
Michael Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM), University of Iowa College of Public Health

Biosafety Outreach and Education in Small Town America
Timothy Southern, PhD, D(ABMM), South Dakota Public Health Laboratory

Biosafety and the City: Sentinel Lab Outreach in the Big Apple 
Anna Liddicoat, MPH, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

What Does an Integrated Food Safety System Mean for Laboratories?

Moderator: Yvonne Salfinger, MS, APHL Consultant

Vision for an Integrated Food Safety System 
Abe Brown, III, OT, MHA, PMP, U.S. FDA Office of Partnerships

Curriculum Framework for State Food and Feed Laboratory Professionals 
Christopher Weiss, PhD, International Food Protection Training Institute (IFPTI)

Laboratory Data Sharing and Acceptance 
Kathryn Wangsness, MHA, Arizona State Public Health Laboratory

Mutual Reliance: New York Agriculture’s Perspective 
Maria Ishida, PhD, New York Department of Agriculture and Markets

Diarrheal Diseases as Enteric Pathogens

Moderator: Brandon Troy Leader, PhD, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health

Combined Diarrheal Diseases at Home and Abroad: Where and How Does Whole Genome Sequencing Fit in the International Surveillance and Response?
Peter Gerner-Smidt, MD, ScD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Why Children in Developing Countries Die from Diarrhea: The Global Enterics Multicenter Study (GEMS)
Karen Kotloff, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Northern Lights 2016 Exercise — A Nuclear Power Plant Accident

Moderator: Bob Read, PhD, Tennessee Department of Health

Planning and Execution of a Laboratory-focused Consequence Management Exercise: Northern Lights 2016 
Philip Torretto, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Northern Lights 2016 — A FRMAC Laboratory Analysis Perspective
Sean D. Fournier, Sandia National Laboratories, Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center (FRMAC)

Overview of EPA’s National Analytical Radiation Environmental Laboratory’s (NAREL) Participation in the Northern Lights Exercise 
Cindy White, US EPA/National Analytical Radiation Environmental Laboratory

A State Lab’s Perspective on the Northern Lights 2016 Exercise
Jesse Fillmore, MS, Minnesota Department of Health

ICLN FERN Participation and Lessons Learned: Northern Lights Exercise 2016 
Cong Wei, PhD, US FDA, Winchester Engineering and Analytical Center (WEAC)

CDC’s Emergency Response Bioassay Methods: Applications for a Nuclear Power Plant Incident Using the Northern Lights Exercise to Validate​
Robert Jones, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Monday, June 12, 2017

Concurrent Sessions

Understanding Public Health in the Cloud

Moderator: Patina Zarcone, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Cloud Computing - Local Perspective
Bernadette Matthis, BSMT(ASCP), MSBA, Philadelphia Department of Public Health Laboratories

Cloud Computing - Federal Perspective
Desiree Mustaquim, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

AIMS Platform
Eduardo Gonzalez Loumiet, MBA, PMP, CPHIMS, Uber Operations

Safety and Accuracy of MALDI-TOF Technology to Detect Emerging Threats

Moderator: Maureen Sullivan, MPH, Minnesota Public Health Laboratories Division

Safety and Accuracy of MALDI-TOF Technologies 
James T. Rudrik, PhD, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

Considerations for Implementing MALDI-TOF Technologies in Public Health and Clinical Laboratories
Michael Perry, MS, New York State Department of Health

Accuracy and Limitations of MALDI-TOF Databases
John R. McQuiston, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Future of STD Testing: Addressing the Ongoing Challenges 

​Moderator: Richard Steece, PhD, D(ABMM), Tennessee Department of Health: Laboratory Services

What Is Hot in the World of Point of Care Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections: Self Collection and New Tests 
Charlotte A. Gaydos, MS, MPH, DrPH, Johns Hopkins University

Health Departments: Your Partners in Implementing Emerging Test Technology
Jessica Frasure-Williams, MPH, National Coalition of STD Directors

Implementation of Rapid Tests and Public Health Laboratory Implications​
Anthony Tran, DrPH, MPH, D(ABMM), District of Columbia Department of Forensic Sciences

Competency Implementation: What’s New and How Do We Advance?

Moderator: Renee Ned-Sykes, MMSc, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

New Tools and Resources Available to Help Advance Competency Adoption and Implementation 
Leah D. Gillis, MS, PhD, HCLD(ABB), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories – Miami

Experiences and Resources toward Developing a Career Ladder in a Local Lab Setting
Deborah K. Severson, MT(ASCP), Fairfax County (VA) Health Department Laboratory

Implementing a Competency-based Curriculum for CDC’s Laboratory Leadership Service (LLS) Fellowship Program
Xin Liu, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Incorporating Competencies into APHL’s Fellowship Programs
Heather Roney, MA, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Plenary Session

Advancing Molecular Detection in Environmental Matrices: Innovations in Technology and Partnerships

Moderator: Sanjib Bh​attacharyya, PhD, City of Milwaukee Health Department

Human Fecal Source Identification Technology Implementation
Orin Shanks, PhD, US Environmental Protection Agency

Leveraging Partherships and Advanced Molecular Detection in Healthcare Environmental Investigations
Allison Perry, MS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Rita Colwell, PhD, University of Maryland/CosmosID

Concurrent Sessions

Public Health Laboratory Legionnaires Disease Outbreak Response and Preparedness

Moderator: Brian Raphael, PhD, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention​

Trace Back to the “Source” — The Collaborative Effort to Detect the Source of a Legionella Outbreak in Minnesota
Dave Boxrud, MS, Minnesota Department of Health

Investigating Legionella: PCR Screening and Whole-Genome Sequencing 
Kimberlee Musser, PhD, New York Department of Health

Bacteria in the Mist: Legionella in New York City
Jennifer Rakeman, PhD, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene​

Legionnaires Disease Laboratory Response Plan: Are You Ready? 
Anna Llewellyn, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Quality Management Stories: Keeping Your PHL Director Out of Jail

Moderator: Jill J. Power, MS, M(ASCP), New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories

Quality Management Structure in a Large Multi-Purpose Laboratory: What Model Works Best?
Steve Marshall, MS, MPH, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

Quality Management in a Small Public Health Laboratory: All Hands on Deck!
Tim Southern, PhD, South Dakota Public Health Laboratory

Designing and Implementing a Quality Management System at the Local Laboratory Level​
Deborah Severson, MT(ASCP), Fairfax County (VA) Health Department Laboratory

Lessons Learned: When Gene Sequencing Meets Newborn Screening

Moderator: Guisou Zarbalian, MS, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

The Role of Targeted Gene Sequencing in US Newborn Screening Laboratories 
Suzanne Cordovado, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Gene Sequencing in Public Health Newborn Screening: Are We Ready? 
Rachel Lee, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services

More Than Meets the Eye — Adding a Condition to the Newborn Screening Panel
Michele Caggana, ScD, FACMG, New York State Department of Health

Gene Sequencing in Newborn Screening: Clinical Dream or Ethical Nightmare 
Aaron Goldenberg, PhD, MPH, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Biomonitoring — An Integral Component of Public Health Practice

Moderator: Amy L. Mowbray, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

State-based Biomonitoring Programs and NHANES Exposure Data 
Kristin Dortch, MS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CHEAR! The Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource
Carin Huset, PhD, Minnesota Public Health Laboratory

The National Biomonitoring Network 
Kenneth Aldous, PhD, New York State Department of Health

Concurrent Sessions

Zika: A New Wrinkle at Every Turn

Moderator: Sara Vetter, PhD, Minnesota Public Health Laboratory Division

The Florida Experience: A Laboratory’s Perspective 
Andrew Cannons, PhD, Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories - Tampa

Approaches to Zika Testing in 2017
Rafael Tosada, PhD, Centers of Disease Control and Prevention

Update on APHL's Zika Activities
Kelly Wroblewski, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Using Narratives to Demystify Public Health Laboratory Science

Moderator: Michelle Forman, Association of Public Health Laboratories

The Science of Effective Storytelling
Liz Neeley, The Story Collider

Working Together for One Cause (Collaboration between State and Locals)

Moderator: Tamara Theisen, MT(ASCP), Saginaw County (MI) Department of Public Health

The Texas Public Health Laboratory Network: Partners in Health 
Grace Kubin, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services

Partners in Health: Working at the Local Level
Angela Flores-Ledesma, M(ASCP) and Valerie Requenez, MLS(ASCP), Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District Laboratory

Dispatches from the Opioid Crisis

Moderator: Ewa King, PhD, Rhode Island State Health Laboratories

Rhode Island Medical Examiner Perspective on the Opioid Crisis
Ariel Goldschmidt, MD, Office of the State Medical Examiners, Rhode Island Department of Health

Forensic Toxicology Trend: The Opioid Epidemic
Laurie Ogilvie, MS, D-ABFT-FT, Forensic Toxicology, Rhode Island State Health Laboratories


Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Analytical Tools and Approaches for WGS: Addressing the Needs in PHLs

Moderator: Peter Gerner-Smidt, MD, ScD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Duncan MacCannell, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dave Boxrud, MS, Minnesota Public Health Laboratory Division
Bill Wolfgang, PhD, New York State Department of Health

CoPs and Donuts: The Value of Communities of Practice

Lorelei Kurimski, MS, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
Michael Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM), University of Iowa College of Public Health

Rabies Testing: Ignored by Inspectors but Still a Critical Component of Public Health and the QA Plan

Moderator: Jafar Razeq, PhD, Katherine A. Kelley Public Health Laboratory (CT)

Experience Piloting the Rabies Laboratory Assessment Tool
Sandra Smole, PhD, William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute (MA)
Anthony Muyombwe, PhD, Katherine A. Kelley Public Health Laboratory (CT)

The L-SIP Update: Stories from Recent L-SIP Participants

Moderator: Tina Su, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories
Tim Southern, PhD, D(ABMM), South Dakota Public Health Laboratory

Once There Was a Scientist Who Shared Meaningful Stories with the Public... Find Out Why and How

Moderator: Michelle Forman, Association of Public Health Laboratories
Liz Neeley, The Story Collider

Plenary Sessions

Where Are We Now? Updates on Culture-Independent Diagnostic Tests (CIDTs) and Their Impact on Public Health Surveillance

Moderator: Tim Monson, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

CIDT Regulatory Workgroup: Industry/Public Health Partnerships in Addressing CIDTs
John Besser, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Reshaping the Enterics Workbench: Tennessee’s Experience with CIDTs
Amy M. Woron, MS, PhD, Hawaii State Laboratories Division

The First Fully Automated Molecular Diagnostic Panel for Meningitis and Encephalitis: How Well Does It Perform and When Should It Be Used? 
Kimberly Hanson, MD, MHS, University of Utah

Life After Culture 
Peter Shult, PhD, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

Dr. Katherine Kelley Distinguished Lecture: ​Current Challenges for Public Service Leaders

Moderator: A. Christian Whelen, PhD, Director, Hawaii State Laboratories Division

Isaac Ashkenazi, MD, MSc, MPS, MNS, International Expert for Crisis Management and
Leadership and Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Concurrent Sessions

Taking Root: Cannabis Public Health and Safety

Moderator: Jack Bennett, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Assessing Regulatory Compliance at Medical Cannabis Operations for Patient Focused Certification 
Jahan Marcu, PhD, Americans for Safe Access/ Patient Focused Certification

Characterization of Cannabinoids and Contaminants in Medical Marijuana Products in Massachusetts
Marc A. Nascarella, PhD, Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Update on 2017 Federal Activity

Moderators: Peter Kyriacopoulos, Association of Public Health Laboratories
Celia Hagan, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Federal Funding Developments 
Peter Kyriacopoulos, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Federal Executive Orders and Regulatory Freeze
Celia Hagan, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Impact of Loss of Federal Funds 
Joanne Bartkus, PhD, D(ABMM), Minnesota Public Health Laboratory Division

Stories From the Field: Putting Sequencing Data to Work

Moderator: Mark Pandori, PhD, Alameda County (CA) Public Health Laboratory

2010 Outbreak of Vibriosis Linked to Chesapeake Bay Oysters with a Novel US Strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus 
Julie Haendiges, MPS, Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Application of Next Generation Sequencing to a Raw Milk Associated Campylobacter Outbreak 
Kelly Oakeson, PhD, Utah Public Health Laboratory

Use of NGS in Newborn Screening
Michele Caggana, ScD, FACMG, New York State Department of Health

Exploring the Hidden Dynamics of Pertussis Using Sequence Data 
Colin Worby, PhD, Princeton University and William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute (MA)

Strengthening Informatics Competencies in the Laboratory Workforce

Moderator: Michelle Meigs, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Mark Conde, Emory University/Rollins School of Public Health
Deanne Watts, MA, Deloitte Consulting
John Ridderhof, DrPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


The Impact of APHL Informatics Technical Assistance: Stories From the Field

Moderator: Laura Carlton, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

​Keith Higginbotham, Alabama Bureau of Clinical Laboratories
Diane Fraiter, Katherine A. Kelley Public Health Laboratory (CT)
Christopher Anderson, California Department of Public Health

PHAB in Your Lab

Twila Kunde, MBA, MPH, New Mexico Department of Health
Jan Klawitter, MA, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

After Action Roundtable — Switching to HIV 4th Generation

Kerry Buchs, MHA, MT(ASCP), Philadelphia Public Health Laboratory

Status Update on State Directed Regional Networks to Strengthen Services

Michael Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM), University of Iowa College of Public Health
Sarah Buss, PhD, Wyoming State Public Health Laboratory
Richard Steece, PhD, Tennessee Department of Health: Laboratory Services

Concurrent Sessions

Bringing Biosafety Back

Moderator: Anthony J. Troiano, PhD, Rhode Island Department of Health

More Than Hammers and Nails: APHL Tools to Build Biosafety and Biosecurity
Michael Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM), University of Iowa College of Public Health

CDC Tools to Strengthen Biosafety and Biosecurity
Steve Monroe, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Biosafety at the Microbe Level: Needs of the Clinical Labs 
James Snyder, PhD, University of Louisville Hospital

Challenges with the Validation of Alternative Serotyping Methods Used for Clinical Diagnostic Testing and Pathogen Characterization for Salmonella and Other Bacteria

Moderator: Tracy Stiles, MS, M(ASCP), William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute (MA)

Antisera QC and IQCP and Associated Challenges 
Patti Fields, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Reporting Changes & Validation of NGS-based Salmonella Serotyping Following a Recent CLIA Inspection
Dave Boxrud, MS, Minnesota Public Health Laboratory Division

Implementation and Impact of Salmonella Serotype Determination Using Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis in New York 
Kimberlee Musser, PhD, New York State Department of Health

The Use of ANI as Bacterial Identification         
Maryann Turnsek, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Strengthening Laboratory System Partnerships — Building Global Health Capacity Beyond Jurisdictions

Moderator: Sanjib Bhattacharyya, PhD, City of Milwaukee Health Department

Strengthening Malaria Surveillance Capacity through Local Partnerships in Africa and Asia
Christopher Plowe, MD, MPH, FASTMH, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Building Global Health Capacity Beyond Jurisdictions -- The Key Role of Laboratory System Partnerships
Paula E. North, MD, PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin and Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin

New Contaminants Are Always Emerging

Moderators: Paul Moyer, MS, Minnesota Public Health Laboratory
Jack Bennett, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

High-Throughput Methods for Testing Serum and Drinking Water
Kenneth Aldous, PhD, New York State Department of Health

Community Exposure to PFASs, an Emerging Public Health Issue 
Chang Ho Yu, PhD, New Jersey Public Health Laboratory

Practical Biomonitoring Applications to Asess Exposure in Communites
Patrick Breysse, PhD, Director, National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for
Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Plenary Session

Unlocking the Secrets of Zika

Moderator: Sara Vetter, PhD, D(ABMM), Minnesota Public Health Laboratory Division

Zika Virus Serology: Increasing Accuracy Through Use of IgG and Nonstructural Proteins
Susan Wong, PhD, New York State Department of Health

Zika Diagnosis: Challenges and Opportunities
Rafael Tosada, PhD, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention

Zika Neutralization Assay and Vaccine Development
Pei-Yong Shi, PhD, University of Texas Medical Branch