Poster Abstracts

Saturday, June 2, 2018​​​

Opening Session​

Welcome to Pasadena

​- Ewa King, PhD, APHL President & Director, Rhode Island State Health Laboratories
- Joanne Bartkus, PhD, D(ABMM), APHL President-Elect, 2018 Annual Meeting Planning Committee, Chair and Director, Minnesota Public Health Laboratory Division

- Paul Kimsey, PhD, Director, California Department of Public Health Laboratory
- Nicole Green, PhD, D(ABMM), Director, Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratory
- Scott Becker, MS, Executive Director, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Plenary Session

One Hundred Years Pursuing the Pandemic: From the 'Great Flu' of 1918 to 2018

Moderator: Peter Shult, PhD, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

The Past, Present and Future of Influenza Pandemics
- Monica Schoch-Spana, PhD, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Assessing Pandemic Risk and Evaluating US and Global Pandemic Readiness
- Jacqueline Katz, PhD Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Future of Pandemic Mitigation
- Stacey Shultz-Cherry, PhD, St. Jude Children's Hospital

Concurrent Sessions

Addressing Antibiotic Resistance “Hotspots” through a Global One Health Lens: People, Animals and the Environment

- Romesh Gautom, PhD, MS, Washington State Public Health Laboratories
- Michael Pentella, PhD, MS, D(ABMM), State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa

Changing Practices to Reduce Antibiotic Resistance
- Jean McLain, PhD, MS, University of Arizona

Do Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Data Reveal or Distort the Picture of Antibiotic Resistance in Humans and Domestic Animals?
- Scott Weissman, MD, University of Washington/Seattle Children’s Hospital

How Culture and Circumstances Complicate the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance: Lessons from Tanzania
- Douglas Call, PhD, Washington State University

Spotlight on Public Health Laboratory Fellowships - What Can a Fellow Do for Your Lab

- Jennifer Rakeman, PhD, New York City Public Health Laboratory
- Marie-Claire Rowlinson, PhD, D(ABMM), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories

- Patrice Held, PhD, FACMG, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (Newborn Screening Fellow)
- Sean Wang, DVM, PhD, Minnesota Public Health Laboratory (Bioinformatics Fellow)
- Marisabel Etter, PhD, California Department of Public Health (ARLN Fellow)
- Ceclia Kretz, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (LLS Fellow)

Newborn Screening: It's Complicated! 

Moderator: Guisou Zarbalian, MS, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

- Denise Kay, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

- Susan Tanksley, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services

- John Thompson, PhD, Washington State Office of Newborn Screening

- Rachel Lee, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services

Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS): Nevertheless, They Persist

Moderator: Kacee Deener, MPH, US Environmental Protection Agency

- Cindy Caporale, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Ekta Choudhary, PhD, MPH, MS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Jessica Sagona, PhD, New Hampshire Environmental Public Health Tracking

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Concurrent Sessions

The Impact of New and Emerging Technologies on Food and Clinical Testing Laboratories

Moderator: Denise Toney, PhD, HCLD(ABB), Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services

Implementation and Applications for Use of MALDI-TOF for Clinical and Food Testing
- Dominick Centurioni, MS, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

Strategies to Successfully Validating Multiplex Molecular Detection Panels for GI Pathogens
- Caitlin Murphy, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Challenges and Best Practices for the Successful Incorporation of New and Emerging Technologies within a Traditional Laboratory Testing Workflow
- Lauren Turner, PhD, Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services

Application of Sequencing within Clinical or Food Testing Laboratories
- Brian Caudle, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Strangers Among Us: Exploring the Lesser Known Arboviruses

Moderator: Sara Vetter, PhD, Minnesota Department of Health

What Does WGS Tell Us About the Past, Present and Future of Eastern Equine Encephalitism in the US?
- Lea Heberlein-Larson, MPH, SM(ASCP), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories – Tampa

Jamestown Canyon and Powassan Viruses: Emerging Diseases or an Issue of Better Detection?
- Elizabeth Shiffman, MPH, MA, Minnesota Department of Health

The Arboviruses Next Door: Orphaned and Emerging Arboviruses in the US
- Holly Hughes, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Evolution of Data Exchange: An AIMS Informatics Town Hall

Moderator:  Patina Zarcone-Gagne, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

- Keith Higgenbotham, Alabama Department of Public Health
- Frank Delin, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
- Dariush Shirazi, Association of Public Health Laboratories
- Michelle Meigs, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Out of the Weeds: The Big Picture of Cannabis Testing

Moderator: Kenneth Aldous, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

- Gillian Schauer, PhD, CDC Foundation
Paul Kimsey, PhD, California Department of Public Health
- Olivera Marjanovic, PhD, California Department of Public Health

- Heather Krug, MS, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment

Plenary Session

Biomonitoring, The Blooming Onion: Growth at the Federal, State, and Organizational Levels

Moderator: Julianne Nassif, MS, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Highlights of CDC’s National Biomonitoring Program

- Mary Mortensen, MD, MS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The National Biomonitoring Network: Its Structure, Current Developments and Reasons Your Laboratory Biomonitoring Program Should be Involved

- Kenneth Aldous, PhD, National Biomonitoring Network Steering Committee

Biomonitoring Communication Considerations: Reporting, Data Sharing and Policy Initiatives

- Amanda Cosser, MPH, New Hampshire Public Health Laboratories

Four Corners States Biomonitoring Consortium: The Benefits and Challenges of a Multi-state Biomonitoring Program

- Sanwat Chaudhuri, PhD, Utah Public Health Laboratory

Concurrent Sessions

On the Front Lines of Antibiotic Resistance

Moderator: Kimberlee Musser, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

Outbreak of VIM-producing P. aeruginosa in a Long-Term Acute-Care Hospital

- Marie-Claire Rowlinson, PhD D(ABMM), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories

- Nychie Q. Dotson, MPH, CIC, CPHQ, Florida Bureau of Epidemiology

Concerning Trends in Antibiotic Resistance

- Jean B. Patel, PhD, D(ABMM), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

ARLN Testing in an Investigation of CP-CRE in a Pennsylvania Nursing Home

- Dongxiang Xia, MD, PhD, D(ABMM), SV(ASCP), Pennsylvania Department of Health

- Kimberlee Musser, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

It Takes a Village: Genomic Epidemiology of the Zika Epidemic

Moderator: Joanne Bartkus, PhD, D(ABMM), Minnesota Department of Health

Developing the Partnerships, Exploring the Data and Sharing the Results

- Leah D. Gillis, PhD, MS, HCLD(ABB), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories – Miami

Genomic Epidemiology Reveals Multiple Introductions and Sustained Transmission of Zika Virus in Florida

- Jason Ladner, PhD, Northern Arizona University

The Many Hats of the Public Health Lab – A Zika Story

- Jennifer Rakeman, PhD, New York City Public Health Laboratory

Evolution of Zika Virus and Novel Approaches Towards Combating its Infection and Associated Congenital Disorders

- Genhong Cheng, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles

Laboratory Response to the Opioid Overdose Crisis

Moderator: Ewa King, PhD, Rhode Island Department of Health

CDC Response to the Opioid Overdose Epidemic in the United States:  More Timely, Localized, and Actionable Data

- Grant Baldwin, PhD, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

LRN-C Capacity to Support Local Opioid Emergencies

- Amy Watson, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Minnesota Drug Overdose and Substance Abuse Pilot Surveillance System (MNDOSA): A Response to the Opioid Crisis

- Paul Moyer, MS, Minnesota Department of Health

Successes and Challenges of Implementing Molecular Techniques in Environmental Microbial Surveillance

Moderator:  Sanjib Bhattacharyya, PhD, City of Milwaukee Health Department

- Kaedra Jones, MPH, ICF
- Sharon Nappier, PhD, MSPH, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Yiping Cao, PhD, Source Molecular Corporation
- Joan Rose, PhD, Michigan State University

Concurrent Sessions

Weird Science: Interesting and Unusual Cases in Public Health

Moderator: James Beebe, PhD, D(ABMM), San Luis Obispo Public Health Laboratory

When the Bark is Not Worse than the Bite?

- Anna Strain, PhD, Minnesota Department of Public Health Laboratory

A Royal Mystery in Wisconsin

- Tim Monson, MS, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

Adventures in Discordance

- Anne Gaynor, PhD, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Something’s Fishy on Canal St.

- Scott Hughes, PhD, New York City Public Health Laboratory

Saturday Night Fever

- Shaka Brown, DC Capitol Congress

Adventures in ETOR

Moderator: Eduardo Gonzalez Loumiet, MPA, CPHIMS, Ruvos

New York City’s Journey Away from Paper Requisitions and Towards Electronic Test Ordering System

- Altaf Shaikh and Anna Liddicoat, MPH, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

10 Years of ETOR – the Florida Experience

- Susanne Crowe, MHA, Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories

Implementing ETOR for Newborn Screening in Georgia

- Arthur Hagar, PhD, HCLD, Georgia Dept of Public Health Laboratory

APHL’s Efforts in Electronic Test Order and Result

-Michelle Meigs, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Grow the Talent You Have into the Leaders You Need: Internal Professional Development Programs in PHLs

Moderator:  Leah D. Gillis, MS, PhD, HCLD(ABB), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories - Miami

- Sara Woldehanna, MA, MS, Association of Public Health Laboratories
- Grace Kubin, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services
- Michael Stevenson, PhD, Idaho Bureau of Laboratories
- Anna Strain, PhD, Minnesota Department of Health

Radiological Response and Readiness: A Federal Perspective

Moderator:  Jack Bennett, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

- Bob Read, Tennessee Department of Health
- Robert Jones, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Sarah Taft, PhD, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Jennifer Buzzell, MS, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Phil Torretto, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Monday, June 4, 2018


Challenges of Maintaining Post-L-SIP Assessment Quality Improvement Activities

Moderator: - Twila Kunde, MPH, MBA, New Mexico Department of Health

- Sanjib Bhattacharyya, PhD, City of Milwaukee Health Department
- Lorelei Kurimski, MS, Association of Public Health Laboratories

WGS Bioinformatics Solutions for State Public Health Labs

Moderator:  Joel Sevinsky, PhD, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

- Kelly Oakeson, PhD, Utah Public Health Laboratory
- Duncan MacCannell, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Xiong Wang, PhD, Minnesota Department of Health

How Does IGRA Testing Fit into the Public Health Laboratory

- Marie-Claire Rowlinson, PhD, D(ABMM), Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories
- Angela Starks, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

- Nicole M Green, PhD, D(ABMM), Los Angeles County Public Health Laboratories
- Daphne Ware, PhD, Mississippi Public Health Laboratory

Shaping Workforce Development Initiatives: Learning from an Environmental Scan of Public Health and Clinical Laboratory Communities

Moderator: Reynolds Salerno, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

- Renee Ned-Sykes, MMSc, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Anja Minnick, MSc, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Plenary Session

Labs, Camera, Action! Public Health Storytelling for Podcasts, Film and News Media

Moderator: Michelle Forman, Association of Public Health Laboratories

- Sanden Totten, American Public Media's Brains On! podcast
- Michelle Faust, Southern California Public Radio
- Rick Loverd, National Academy of Sciences

Plenary Session

Dr. Katherine Kelley Distinguished Lecture
Activism and Stalemate: How the Threat of Antibiotic Resistance Turned the US Public Against Farm Antibiotic Use

Moderator: Ewa King, PhD, Rhode Island Department of Health

- Maryn McKenna, journalist and author of Big Chicken, Super Bug and Beating Back the Devil

Concurrent Sessions

Laboratory Response to Hepatitis Outbreak: Detection and Sequencing Aids Remediation Effort

Moderator: Brett Austin, MA, PHM, San Diego County Health and Human Services

- Marty Soehnlen, PhD, MPH, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
- Sumathi Ramachandran, MS, MPH, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Jill Hacker, PhD, California Department of Public Health
- Syreeta Steele, PHM, PhD, San Diego County Health and Human Services
- Tracy Basler, San Diego County Health and Human Services

The ABC's of ISO 17025: (A)ccreditation, (B)est Practices, (C)osts to Implement and Sustain

Moderator: Denise Toney, PhD, HCLD(ABB), Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services

FDA Goals for FSMA and ISO Accreditation for Food Testing Labs
- Terri McConnell, MS, US Food and Drug Administration

Impact of ISO Accreditation on State Food Testing Labs and the Role of Data Acceptance Criteria
- Yvonne Salfinger, MS, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Strategies for Obtaining and Sustaining ISO 17025 Accreditation: The Process, Preparing Your Lab, Implementation Best Practices, Quality Management Tracking, Funding and So Much More
- Cynthia Mangione, New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets

ISO Lab Mentorship Program – Benefits of Mentor/Mentee Collaborations
- Brenda Jackson, MS, North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- Kitty Prapayotin-Riveros, Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station

Costs Associated with Accreditation: Laboratory Survey
- Robyn Randolph, MS, Association of Public Health Laboratories

The Next Generation of QA/QC with Next Generation Sequencing

Moderator: Collette Fitzgerald, PhD, Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention

- Lauren Turner, PhD, Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
- Kimberlee Musser, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health
- Atis Muehlenbachs, MD, Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Public Health Environmental Laboratories' Challenges and Opportunities for Water Quality

Moderator: Michael Pentella, PhD, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa

- James Schauer, PhD, PE, MBA, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
- John Griffith, PhD, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
- Dustin May, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
- Junesoo Park, PhD, California Environmental Protection Agency

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Podcasting: Telling the Public Health Laboratory's

- Amanda Hughes, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
- Kate Wainwright, PhD, D(ABMM), HCLD (ABB), Indiana State Department of Health

- Emerging Leader Program Cohort 10

Is Your Food Making You Sick? Detecting and Regulating Allergens in Food

Moderator: - Cynthia Mangione, New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets

- Robert Sheridan, New York State Department of Agriculture & Markets
- Joseph Baumert, PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Partnering Together to Solve Challenges Around Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

- Lucy DesJardin, PhD, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
- Sandra Smole, PhD, William A. Hinton State Laboratory Institute (MA)

Risky Business:  The Trials and Tribulations of Educating Clinical Partners on Biosafety and Biorisk Management

Moderator: Randal Fowler, PhD, D(ABMM), Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention

- Drew Fayram, MS, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
- Erin Bowles, MT(ASCP), Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
- Robert Nickla, M(ASCP), Oregon State Public Health Laboratory

Concurrent Sessions

Biosafety: Today and Tomorrow

Moderator: Marian Downey, RBP, CBSP, SM(NRCM), ABSA International

Changing Biosafety Practices
- Michael A. Pentella, PhD, D(ABMM), State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa

Advancing Biosafety Across the US Clinical Laboratory Community
- Reynolds M. Salerno, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Working with Clinical Laboratories to Improve Biosafety
- Erin Bowles, MT(ASCP), Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

The Evolving Analysis of Vaccine Preventable Outbreaks and their Causative Agents

Moderator: Kirsten St. George, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

The Bacterial Meningitis Genome Analysis Platform for Surveillance
- Anna Strain, Virology Supervisor/VPD Reference Center Coordinator

Enhanced Analysis of Mumps Outbreaks with Next Generation/Whole Genome Sequence Analysis
- Kirstin St. George, PhD, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

Whole Genome MLST for Strain Differentiation and Cluster Analysis of Bordetella pertussis
- Michael Weigand, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Molecular Clade Analysis and the Discrimination of Vaccine Strain from Wild Type Virus in CNS and Non-CNS VZV Disease
- Sara Griesemer, MS, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health

The Laboratory Twinning Experience: Creating Connections Between US and International Public Health Laboratories

Moderator:  Lucy Maryogo-Robinson, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

 Overview of the Public Health Institute and the Lab’s Role
- Sherrie Staley, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

Experience on the Ground, Highlighting Uganda’s Achievements from Twinning
- Steven Aisu, Uganda Ministry of Health

What Does it Take for Twinning to Take Place:  The Uganda Experience
- Dave Mills, PhD, New Mexico Scientific Laboratory Division (retired)

The Utah-Barbados Experience
- Patrick Luedtke, MD, MPH, Lane County (OR) Department of Health & Human Services

Risk Communication When Cyanotoxin Response Changes from Emergent to Monitoring

Moderator: Henry Leibovitz, PhD, Rhode Island Department of Health

- Nikola Dzamov, PhD, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
- Sandhya Parishionikar, PhD, US Environmental Protection Agency
- Kacee Deener, MPH, US Environmental Protection Agency

Plenary Session

Responding to Natural Disasters: Hurricane

Moderator: Tyler Wolford, MS, Association of Public Health Laboratories

- Andrew Cannons, PhD, Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratories- Tampa
- Eduardo O’Neill La Luz, LCDR, PhD, MS, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Martina Q. McGarvey, DM, PA DEP Bureau of Laboratories
- Larry Seigler, PhD, Houston Public Health Laboratory