2019 PulseNet-OutbreakNet Central Regional Meeting

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Welcome & Introductions                               
Speaker: Dr. Pete Iwen, Nebraska Public Health Laboratory, University of Nebraska Medical Center

DFWED Leadership Opening Remarks
Speaker: Michael Beach (CDC)

Session I: The Future is Here: PulseNet/OutbreakNet Transition to WGS

Moderators: Brett Weed (FDA) and Dr. Pete Iwen (NE)

Lessons Learned from Outbreaks: E. coli O157 Linked to Leafy Greens
Speakers: Lyndsay Bottichio (CDC), Colin Schwensohn (CDC), Natasha Dowell CDC, Scott Nowicki (OH)​ and Adiam Tesfai (FDA)

PHAC Experience with WGS Transition: Successes and Pitfalls​
Speakers: April Hexemer (PHAC)

Session II: The Future is Here: Managing New Workflows and Data Integration

Moderators:  Kristin Holt (FSIS) and Steve Dietrich (MI)

Managing New Workflows
Speakers: Laura Cronquist, Laura Mastal and Lisa Wingerter (ND)​, Carlota Medus (MN) and Dave Boxrud (MN)​

WGS Tools and Predicted Resistance
Speakers: Steven Stroika (CDC)​, Meseret Birhane (CDC)

PulseNet Track

Adapting Workflows for WGS: Where Are We Now and What's to Come?

Moderator: Steve Dietrich (MI)

Updates from CDC
Speaker: Kelley Hise (CDC)​

Perspectives from States
Speakers: Karim George (KY)​, Chris Carlson (SD)​​ and Dave​ Boxrud (MN)​

Best Practices for Automation or Making WGS Efficient Without Automation
Speakers: Mary Katherine Crews (FSIS) and Steve Dietrich (MI)​

Round Table Discussion Questions ​

OutbreakNet and Environmental Health Track

WGS Transition: Moving Forward

Moderator: Matt Wise (CDC)

Overview of WGS Transition
Speaker: Matt Wise (CDC)​

Updates from WGS working groups
Speaker: Laura Cronquist (ND), C​arlota Medus (MN)​ and Shana Altman (IL)​

WGS Transition: Moving Forward (Cont.)

Moderator: Matt Wise (CDC)

Communications Surrounding WGS and other Communication Updates​
Speakers: Natasha Dowell (CDC), Karen Hunter (FSIS) and Doug Karas (FDA)


Campylobacter and WGS
Speakers: Sean Buuck (MN) and Jisun Haan (MN)

NCBI Pathogen Detection Pipeline Session
Speakers: Eija Trees (CDC) and Dave Boxrud (MN)

Specific Q/A Troubleshooting with Illumina
Speaker: Dan Schoeffner


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Sunrise Sessions

Traceback and Recall at the In-commerce Level - An Overview of Processes, Practice and Current Challenges for State and Federal Regulators

Speaker: Joel Willnerd (FSIS), Heidi Debeck (FDA), and Jessica Laurent (MN)

Beyond Response: Where is the P(revention) in CDC?
Speaker: Kate Marshall (CDC) and Misha Robyn (CDC)

Applied Maths
Speaker: Brian West

PulseNet Track

Guidance for Implementing & Conducting PN Surveillance Using WGS: What You Need to Know

Moderators: Kelley Hise (CDC) and Karim George (KY)

Updates from CDC: Clustering Schemes & Interpretation of cgMLST Data​
Speaker: Beth Tolar (CDC)

State Perspectives for Conducting PN Surveillance Using WGS
Speakers: Amanda Bartling (NE)​ and Kristin Gundlach (WI)

Interpretation, Reporting & Communication of WGS Data for Various Partners
Speakers: Joy Battles (FSIS) and Dave Boxrud (MN)​

STApH/Bioinformatics Center​
Speakers: Heather Blankenship (MI) and Nicholas Florek (WI)

Addressing QA/QC: Looking Through the Magnifying Glass

Moderator: Mary Katherine Crews (FSIS)

Overview: Wet Lab Sequence Quality
Speaker: Eija Trees

Overview: Dry Lab (BioNumerics) Sequence Quality​
Speaker: Morgan Schroeder (CDC)

Updates from Central & Midwest Area Labs
Speakers: Steve Dietrich (MI) and Dave Boxrud (MN)

Panel Discussion: Experience at the Public Health Labs Producing Good/Bad Quality Sequence Data
Speakers: Sara Wagner (WI)​, Karim George (KY) and Matthew Sinn (MO)

Implementation of NGS in Public Health Laboratories A Quality Systems Approach
Speaker: Kristy Kubota (APHL)​

CDC Guidance/Experience with CLIA
Speaker: Maryann Turnsek

Experience with SeqSero, ISO 17025 Validation, and Other Validations
Speakers: Gina Klina (IA)​ and Jisun Haan (MN)​

OutbreakNet and Environmental Health Track

Outbreak Successes and Challenges: Part I - Interesting and Local Outbreaks

Moderator: Lyndsay Bottichio (CDC)

Missouri Salmonella/Kratom Response
Speaker: Mark Buxton

Michigan Hatchery Investigation​
Speaker: Jennifer Sidge (MI)

Salmonella Enteritidis Asociated with a Food Pantry
Speakers: Jordan Mason and James Beix (WI)​, Amy Saupe and Alida Sorenson (MN)​

Outbreak Successes and Challenges: Part II - Challenging Outbreaks

Moderator: Lyndsay Bottichio (CDC)

Salmonella Adelaide in Pre-cut Melon
Speakers: Stanley Danao (IN), Katherine Arends (MI) and Cerise Hardy (FDA)

STEC Outbreak w/Necrotizing Enterocolitis ​
Speaker: Nicole Stone (IN)

Listeria outbreak linked to Vietnamese pork rolls
Speakers: Justin Henderson(MI), Matt Wise (CDC) and Andrea Cote (FSIS)

Foodborne Outbreak Investigation from an Environmental Health Perspective

Moderator: Colin Schwensohn (CDC)

CDC's Foodborne Outbreak National Environmental Assessment Reporting System: Improving Outbreak Investigation and Prevention (NEARS)​
Speaker: Adam Kramer (CDC)

Lessons for Improved Environmental Assessments in Outbreaks​  
Speaker: Nicole Hedeen (MN)

Kick-Starting Foodborne Outbreak Investigations with Complaint and Environmental Activities​
Speaker: Danny Ripley (TN)

Outbreak Successes and Challenges: Part III: Restaurant Outbreaks and Environmental Assessments

Moderators: Kemi Oni (IA) and Brianna Loeck (NE)

Salmonella Typhimurium Linked to Chicken Salad
Speakers: Melanie Harris (IA)​ and Andrea Cote (FSIS)

Cyclosporiasis Linked to Vegetable Trays
Speakers: Jordan Mason and James Beix (WI)

Exclusion Session
Speakers: Kerri Brown (CDPHE), Brooke Wiedinmyer (MN) and Brianna Loeck (NE)


Introduction to Epidemiology Terms & Concepts for Lab
Speakers: Elaine Scallan (CO), Amy Saupe (MN) and Sean Buuck (MN)

Foodborne and Diarrheal Message Mapping Guide Session
Speakers: Erin Stokes (CDC-NST), Michael Hughes (CDC-NST), Katherine Arends (MI) and Stephanie Meyer (MN)

Tableau Session
Speaker: John Linville (FSIS)


Friday, March 8, 2019

The Future is Here: Where Are We Now with CIDTs?

Moderators: Mark Laughlin (CDC) and Sean Buuck (MN)

FoodNet Perspective​
Speaker: Logan Ray (CDC)

EDLB Isolate Recovery Studies
Speaker: Jo Williams (CDC)

Panel Discussion
Speakers: Daniel Neises (KS), Carlota Medus (MN), Dave Boxrud (MN), Pete Iwen (NE) and Jo Williams (CDC)

Clinical Lab-Based Surveillance for Norovirus
Speakers: Aron Hall (CDC)​, Amy Saupe (MN) and Jordan Mason (WI)

ELC Panel Discussion

Moderators: Angelica O'Connor (CDC) and Kristy Kubota (APHL)

State Perspectives
Speakers: Carrell Rush and Karim George (KY); Scott Nowicki and Eric Brandt (OH)​

CoE Resources
Speaker: Elaine Scallan (CO)​

ELC Update
Speaker: Anna Newton (CDC)​

Wrap-up Outbreak: Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Infections Linked to Raw Turkey Products-Leveraging a Multi-sector Response

Moderator: Joy Battles (FSIS)
Speakers: Sean Buuck (MN)​, Kristin Holt (FSIS) and Natasha Dowell (CDC)​

Closing Remarks
Speaker: Ian Williams (CDC)