2020 Newborn Screening Virtual Symposium

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Day 1 - Tuesday, October ​20

11:00 am - 12:3​0 pm ET | ​​​Keynote Session 

​The live session features current and future implementation activities of newborn screening in the context of new disorders, new technology and bioethics.​


  • ​Michele Caganna, ScD, FACMG, New York State Department of Health
  • Susan Tanksley, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services


  • ​​Newborn Screening: Where are We Now and How Did We Get There?
    ​​​​​​Susan Berry, MD, Genetics and Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, University of Minnesota

  • Compulsory Population-based Newborn Screening: Challenges for the Future
    Shawn McCandless, MD, Children's Hospital Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

  • New Screening, Old Ethics: Is It Time to Re-examine the Ethical Justifications for Compulsory Newborn Screening
    Aaron Goldenberg, PhD, MA, MPH, Department of Bioethics & Medical Humanities, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

​1:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET | COVID-19 Update​

This session highlights the activities several newborn screening programs have undertaken to ensure that essential operations continue, and newborns are continually screened and treated during these extraordinary times.


  • Pranesh Chakraborty, MD, FRCPC, FCCMG, Newborn Screening Ontario
  • John Thompson, PhD, MPH, MPA, Washington State Public Health Laboratories
  • Michele Caganna, ScD, FACMG, New York State Department of Health
  • ​Rachel Lee, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services
  • Carol Johnson, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  • Ashley Ramirez, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
  • Adrienne Manning, Connecticut Department of Public Health Laboratory
  • Mary Kleyn, MS, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
  • Ashleigh Ragsdale, MPH, Washington State Department of Health

​3:30 pm - 5:00 pm ET | The Future is Now!

​This session examines the state of newborn screening (NBS) in the United States today, how the Newborn Screening Translational Research Network (NBSTRN) is expanding NBS and improving the understanding of rare diseases, as well as how students can learn about the complexities of the NBS system.


  • ​Chenelle Norman, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories
  • Cindy Hinton, PhD, MS, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • The State of Newborn Screening Systems in the United States in 2020
    Careema Yusuf, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories

  • ​The Newborn Screening Translational Research Network (NBSTRN): A Program of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to Expand Newborn Screening and Improve the Understanding of Rare Disease
    Amy Brower, PhD, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics

  • Bringing Together Newborn Screening Stakeholders
    Dylan Simon, MS, EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases

  • I Screened, You Screened, We All Screened: A Newborn Screening Student Event at the Virginia State Lab
    Jennifer Macdonald, BSN, RN, MPH, Virginia Department of Health​​​​​​​​​

Day 2​ - Thursday, October 22​

​11:00 am - 12:30 pm ET | Molecular Technology

​​​This session sum​marizes the types of testing—including gene sequencing for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and next-generation sequencing (NGS)—used to decrease the likelihood of false positives and improve testing for newborn screening and beyond.


  • ​Rachel Lee, PhD, Texas Department of State Health Services
  • Travis Henry, PhD, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
  • ​Genetic Sequencing Detects Two Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Variants in Over Half of Infants with False Positive MS/MS Screens for Phenylketonuria​
    Aashish Adhikari, PhD, University of California, San Francisco

  • Discordant Results for a Variant’s Genotype and Investigation of Allelic Dropout: Experience with Newborn Screening for MPS–I
    ​Binod Kumar, PhD, University of Massachusetts Medical School

  • Improvements to the New York State IRT-DNA-SEQ Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening Algorithm: Results from the First Two Years
    Denise Kay, PhD, New York State Department of Health

  • ​Whole-exome Sequencing Pipeline for Newborn Screening Disorders: Targeted, but Disorder and Gene Agnostic
    ​​Nicole Ruiz-Shultz, MS, Utah Department of Health

​​​1:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET | Education and Communication

This session will explore h​ow to better educate and engage parents within the newborn screening system as well as ways to improve communication and timeliness around follow-up. 


  • Carol Johnson, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
  • Erica Wright, MS, CGC, Children's Hospital Colorado
  • Survey of Prenatal Care Provider Practices Regarding Newborn Screening Education
    Mary Kleyn, MS, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

  • Charting a Course for Family Education: How We Created Navigate Newborn Screening
    Natasha Bonhomme, Chief Strategy Officer at Genetics Alliance 

  • Beyond the Fax Machine: Alternative Tools for Improved Communication and​ Timeliness in Follow-up
    Christen Crews, MSN, RN, Virginia Department of Health

  • Using AAP's Maintenance of Certification Program to Improve Communication of Newborn Screening Results to Parents
    Amy Gaviglio, MS, CGC, G2S/CDC/APHL

  • ​Evaluating Consumer Questions to Improve Communication and Collaboration in Newborn Screening
    Brianne Miller, MPH, Expecting Health at Genetic Alliance​

​3:30 pm - 4:30 pm | Roundtables

Towards Uniformity in the Screening and Reporti​​ng of α- and β-Thalassemia: A Discussion of Current Variations in Practice in the Era of Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute Guidelines

This roundtable presents data from surveys of all US newborn screening (NBS) programs regarding methodology and reporting of α- and β -thalassemia. This interactive roundtable focuses on defining barriers to, interest in, and resources/partners for working towards more uniform screening and reporting, and to discuss if the newly released Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines for NBS for Hemoglobinopathies will lead to alterations in their practices.

Speaker: M. Bender, MD, University of Washington

Introducing the Newborn Screening Follow-up Le​arning EXchange (NBS FLEX) Program

​This roundtable presents the NBS FLEX program, a grant from the NewSTEPs program to facilitate virtual and in-person technical assistance between follow-up staff in different programs. The goal is to match programs experiencing challenges with mentors from programs with relevant expertise.

  • John Thompson, PhD, MPH, MPA, Washington State Public Health Laboratories
  • Carol Johnson, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

New Disorder Implementation: Finding Solutions to Old and New Challenges​

This ro​​undtable provides attendees with a brief overview of disorders recently added to the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP). The remainder of the roundtable asks participants to choose one of the following topics (Molecular Testing, Tiered Testing and Timeliness, Result Notification and Pre-Diagnostic Follow-up) for in-depth conversations focused on learning about or brainstorming solutions to common challenges programs face when implementing and maintaining laboratory-based screening for disorders recently added to the RUSP.​​

Speake​​r: ​George Dizikes, PhD, Tennessee Department of Health

​Day 3 - Tuesday, October 27

​​​11:00 am - 12:30 pm ET | Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)

This session examines the implementation and results of initial newborn screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) in multiple states. 


  • ​​Suzanne Cordovado, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Kshea Hale, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories
  • Spinal​ Muscular Atrophy: Pilot Screening Project in Georgia
    Angela Wittenauer, BSN, RN, Emory University​

  • ​Michigan's Experience with Implementing Spinal Muscular Atrophy by Multiplexing with the Established Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Assay
    Becky Shaulis, MS, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

  • Implementation of Population-Based Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) in New York State
    Colleen Stevens, PhD, New York State Department of Health

  • Newborn Screening for Spinal Muscular Atrophy: Wisconsin Experience
    Mei Baker, MD, FACMG, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

​​1:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET | Current Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP)

This session explores different methods of testing for disorders on the current RUSP, including cystic fibrosis, Tyrosinemia Type I and Central Hypothyroidism. 

  • Funke Akinsola, MPH, Association of Public Health Laboratories
  • Scott Shone, PhD, HCLD(ABB), North Carolina State Laboratory of Public Health 
  • Age of Intervention and Diagnosis for Cystic Fibrosis at CF Care Centers following Newborn Screening in the US
    Sarah McKasson, MPH, Center for Public Health Innovation at CI International 

  • SUAC All Over the Place: The Kansas Experience for Determining a Suitable Cutoff for Succinylacetone to Screen for Tyrosinemia Type I
    Michelle Mills, MSFS, Kansas Health and Enviornmental Laboratories

  • 30 Seconds per Specimen Mass Spectrometry Based First Tier Newborn Screening with Intelligent Reflex to Second Tier Screening
    Samantha Isenberg, PhD, Center for Disease Control and Prevention

  • Long-term Follow-up of Children with Central Hypothyroidism
    ​Beth Vogel, MS, CGC, New York State Department of Health​​

​​​Day 4 - Thursday, October 29

​11:00 am - 12:00 pm ET | New Disorders

​The session examines the challenges and solutions of screening for new disorders, including Lysosomal Storage Disorders and X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD).​


  • George Dizikes, PhD, Tennessee Department of Health Laboratory Services
  • Amy Gaviglio, MS, CGC, G2S/CDC/APHL
  • Screening for Lysosomal Storage Disorders in Virginia — A Year in Review
    ​​Leigh-Emma Lion, Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services

  • ​​Newborn Screening for X-ALD in Texas
    ​Debra Freedenberg, MD, Texas Department of State Health Services

  • Newborn Screening for X-ALD: Massachusetts Experience
    ​Inderneel Sahai, MD, New England Newborn Screening Program​

​​​​1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET | Quality Improvement

This session explores the importance of implementing different screening methods in order to continuously ensure accuracy, timeliness and quality within the newborn screening system.

  • Joanne Mei, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
  • ​​Ashley Ramirez, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
  • Method Validation of Mass Spectrometry Based Newborn Screening Assays
    ​Samantha Isenberg, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

  • Evaluation of MSMS Algorithm and Cutoff Value Changes in Georgia 
    Patricia Hall, PhD, Emory University 

  • New York State Newborn Screening Pilot Quality Improvement (QI) Initiative for Endocrine Specialty Care Centers 
    Kathy Chou, PhD, New York State Department of Health 

  • ​​Multi-state Harmonization Study: Efforts to Harmonize the Cut-offs Used in Newborn Screening for Adrenoleukodystrophy
    ​Joseph Orsini, PhD, New York State Department of Health​

​3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET | Quality Assurance Systems 

This session summarizes the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute’s (CLSI) guidelines for professionals and examines how the Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program (NSQAP) has created efficiencies within newborn screening laboratories, specifically in light of changing quality assurance needs.

  • ​Cindy Hinton, PhD, MS, MPH, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 
  • Fran Altmaier, BSW, Arizona Department of Health Services
  • For You, By You: An Update on CSLI Products for Newborn Screening Programs 
    Amy Gaviglio, MS, CGC, G2S/CDC/APHL

  • The Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program Participant Portal: Modernization and Improvements for Proficiency Testing and Quality Control Results and Evaluations
    ​Joanne Mei, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

​​​​​Day 5 - Monday, November 2

​​11:00 am - 12:30 pm ET | Congenital Cytomegalovirus (cCMV)​

This session will explore the challenges that Congenital Cytomegalovirus (cCMV) poses to the newborn screening system and summarize ways to educate healthcare providers and the public on the importance of early detection and treatment of cCMV.

  • ​Kimberly Noble Piper, BSN, RN, CPH, CPHG, Iowa Department of Public Health 
  • Carrie Wolf, MBS, Minnesota Department of Health

  • Panel: Congenital Cytomegalovirus Universal Newborn Screening

  • Planning and Implementation Challenges of Including Congenital Cytomegalovirus in Universal Newborn Screening
    Lisa Gehtland, MD, RTI International 

  • Universal Screening for Permanent Hearing Loss Risk Factors: Policy Considerations Leading to Implementation in Ontario
    Pranesh Chakraborty, MD, FRCPC, FCCMG, Newborn Screening Ontario

  • Universal Newborn Screening for Congenital Cytomegalovirus and Genetic Variants Associated with Permanent Hearing Loss: Preliminary Findings from Initial 5 Months of Screening in Ontario, Canada
    Lauren Gallagher, MS, Newborn Screening Ontario

  • Improvements in the Analytic Sensitivity of Dried Blood Spot (DBS) PCR for the Diagnosis of Congenital Cytomegalovirus (cCMV) Infection: Results from a Minnesota Universal Screening Study
    ​​Mark Schleiss, MD, University of Minnesota Medical School

  • Education of Providers and Parents on the Prevention, Detection and Treatment of Congenital Cytomegalovirus
    Marcia Fort, AuD, CCC-A, North Carolina Division of Public Health​​​​

​1:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET | Health Services Research

This live session will illustrate how to construct a survey for maximum usability and examine the effectiveness of the data results. Ways in which researchers can identify gaps in knowledge by partnering with newborn screening programs will also be addressed. 

  • ​Beth Tarini, MD, Children’s National Hospital
  • Sikha Singh, MHS, PMP, Association of Public Health Laboratories
  • The Value of Cognitive Testing of a NBS Survey: Revealing Blind Spots and Improving Validity
    Norma-Jean Simon, MPH, Children’s National Hospital

  • ​Panel: Partnering with NBS Programs to Conduct Health Services Research: Programmatic Considerations, Research Regulations, and Study Design

  • ​Building Study Partnerships with NBS Programs: Key Considerations for Successful Collaborations
    Amy Gaviglio, MS, CGC, G2S/CDC/APHL

  • How to Successfully Navigate Research Regulatory Requirements When Conducting NBS Health Services Research
    Anne Atkins, MPH, Children’s National Hospital

  • How to Successfully Navigate Research Regulatory Requirements When Conducting NBS Health Services Research
    ​Anne Atkins, MPH, Children’s National Hospita​​​​​​​l

  • ​​Integrating Professional and Public Input into Health Services Research Study Design: Challenges and Lessons Learned
    Brianne Miller, MPH, Children’s National Hospital


​​​​Day 6 - Wednesday, November 4

​11:00 am - 12:30 pm ET | Follow-up

This session critiques follow-up practices within newborn screening, presents the results of a survey sent to assess primary care physician’s use of high immunoreactive trypsinogen (IRT) notifications and the outcomes of testing for Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), Pompe and MPS I in various states. 


  • ​Sarah Bradley, MS, CGC, New York State Department of Health
  • Jennifer Macdonald, BSN, RN, MPH, Virginia Department of Health


  • Making the Case for Newborn Screening Follow-up Guidelines
    Carol Johnson, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics

  • ​Assessing Primary Care Physician’s Use of the High Immunoreactive Trypsinogen Letter
    Isabel Hurden, MPH, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services​​​​​

  • Implementation of Pompe and MPS-I in Virginia: One-Year Review
    Christen Crews, MSN, RN, Virginia Department of Health

  • Outcomes of Newborn Screening for Adrenoleukodystrophy in New York State
    Beth Vogel, MS, CGC, New York State Department of Health

  • ​Facilitating Rare Genetic Disease Research: Methods for CDE Development to Support the Longitudinal Follow-up of Individuals Diagnosed Through Newborn Screening
    Mike Hartnett, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics

​​​1:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET | International Perspective ​

This session examines newborn screening systems with an international lens: the results of tests performed in Canada on babies in low-resource settings, the implementation of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID) screening in Denmark and changes made to screening for Cystic Fibrosis (CF) in the Netherlands, among others.​


  •  James Bonham, MSc, PhD, CSci, FRCPath, UK Newborn Screening
  •  Joanne Mei, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


  • Reporting of Newborn Screening Results to International, Low-resource Settings from Canada
    Monica Lamoureux, MS, Newborn Screening Ontario

  • ​Implementation of SCID Screening in Denmark
    Marie Baekvad-Hansen, MS, Statens Serum Institut

  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​Including Classical Galactosaemia in the Expanded Newborn Screening Panel Using Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Galactose-1-phosphate
    Arieh Cohen, PhD, Statens Serum Institut​

  • ​Reduced Sensitivity for Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening in the NICU: A Question of Case Definition?
    Graham Sinclair, PhD, British Columbia Newborn Screening Program

  • Evaluation of Changes Implemented in 2016 in Cystic Fibrosis Newborn Screening Protocol in the Netherlands
    Marelle Bouva, MS, The Netherlands Newborn ​​Screening Laboratory​​​​

​​​​3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET | Roundtables

Harmonization Needs in Newborn Screening Programs: From Lab to F​ollow-up

​​​As newborn screening is state-based, a number of discrepancies exist in pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical processes andoutcomes. This roundtable serves as a launching point for discussion on how we can harmonize practices, especially analyte results.

​ Speaker: Amy Gaviglio, MS, CGC, G2S/CDC/APHL​

Online Training for Communicating Initial Newborn Screening Resu​lts

​​This roundtable focuses on the practical application of newborn screening results communication training in states and health systems. Attendees will have the opportunity to view the training, hear data from preliminary testing, and provide feedback on the format and content. Attendees will leave with an understanding of where to find the training and what content the training covers.

​Speaker: ​Natasha Bonhomme, Chief Strategy Officer at Genetic Alliance​

Day 7 - Tuesday, November 10

​11:00 am - 12:30 pm | Newborn Screening Pilot Studies

​This session explores what the future of pilot studies might look like in the United States, examines the challenges of conducting population based screening and recruiting for newborn screening pilot studies, and discusses the benefits and risks of conducting such studies.


  • Joseph Orsini, PhD, New York State Department of Health
  • Mei Baker, MD, FACMG, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene


  • Panel: Consented Newborn Screening Pilot Studies: Issues, Opportunities and Case Examples

  • Pilot Screening Studies for Newborn Screening
    Jeffrey Botkin, MD, MPH, University of Utah

  • ​Early Check: Findings and Lessons Learned from Two Years of Implementation
    Don Bailey, PhD, RTI International

  • ​ScreenPlus: A Comprehensive, Multi-Disorder, Consented Pilot Newborn Screening Program
     Melissa Wasserstein, MD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

  • ​​Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Newborn Screening: Protocol for a Pilot in New York State
    Norma Tavakoli, PhD, New York State Department of Health​​​​​​

​​1:30 pm - 3:00 pm ET | Homocy​stinuria

​This session will examine the challenges associated with screening for Homocystinuria (HCU) and why many newborns are often missed. It will present the experiences of multiple states and the solutions implemented to better identify at risk patients.


  • ​​​​Patricia Hunt, Texas Department of State Health Services
  • Kostas Petritis, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


  • ​Homocystinuria Deserves Better Newborn Screening
    Harvey Levy, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School

  • Homocystinuria Screening: Michigan’s Experience
    Shawn Moloney, MPH, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services

  • ​Newborn Screening for Homocystinurias Using Methionine as a Marker: New England Experience
    Inderneel Sahai, MD, New England Newborn Screening Program

  • Opportunities and Challenges of Multiplexing Homocystinuria into Newborn Screening Assays
    Austin Pickens, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • Wisconsin’s Screening Algorithm for Homocystinuria: Incorporation of Second-Tier Testing
    Patrice Held, PhD, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

​​​​3:30 pm - 4:30 pm ET | Health Information Technology and Bioinformatics 

This session defends the use of bioinformatics in newborn screening and examines solutions to data exchange to create better communication across states. An evaluation of ways to improve the risk assessment for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) is also discussed. 


  • ​Ashleigh Ragsdale, MPH, Washington State Department of Health
  • Brendan Reilly, Texas Department of State Health Services​


  • Bioinformatics: The Next Newborn Screening Frontier
    Samantha Marcellus, MPH, Texas Department of State Health Services

  • ​Correlation Analysis for CAH Screening: Identification of Additional Variables for Improved Risk Assessment
    Alankar Kampoowale, MS, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa​​​​

  • ​Electronic Data Exchange: Needs and Solutions for Public Health Laboratories
    Frank Delin, State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa


Day 8 - Thursday, November 12

​11:00 am - 12:30 pm ET | Financial, Legal, Ethical, Policy and Social Implications (FLEPSI)

​​This session will critique the healthcare cost burden of newborn screening on states and present solutions to communicating with families about research consent. There will also be a discussion on how genome sequencing can impact clinical and family decision-making.


  • Kimberly Noble Piper, RN, BSN, CPH, CPHG, Iowa Department of Public Health
  • Aaron Goldenberg, PhD, MA, MPH, Department of Bioethics & Medical Humanities, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine​​


  • Newborn Screening and Genomics: Ethics Resources and Tools to Support Patients, Parents, Public Health Partners, Clinicians and Researchers
    Kee Chan, PhD, MBA, American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics

  • Transitioning from Two Screens to One: Delaware’s Experience
    Michael Cellucci, MD, Nemours Al DuPont Hospital for Children

  • ​The Michigan BioTrust for Health and Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) Linkage: Associations Between Consent Decisions and Knowledge of the Michigan BioTrust, 2012–2015
    Shelby Atkinson, MPH, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​1:30 pm - 2:30 pm ET | Second-tier Testing

This session covers the use of Hydrophilic Interaction (HILIC) chromotography as well as evaluates the effectivness of using a second-tier assay and principal component analysis for identifying newborns at risk for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH).


  • Kostas Petritis, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Denise Kay, PhD, New York State Department of Health​


  • Identification of Newborns with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Using Principal Component Analysis
    Patrice Held, PhD, Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene

  • ​A Closer Look at the Introduction of a Second-Tier Assay Used in Newborn Screening for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in Texas
    Patricia Hunt, Texas Department of State Health Services​​​​

  • A Second-tier Newborn Screening LC-MS/MS Method for MSUD, HCY, MMA, PA, IVA, GA-I, GA-II, SCAD, GAMT, X-ALD, CAH and Pompe Disease
    Matthew Kilgore, PhD, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention​​

​​​​3:30 pm - 5:00 pm ET | Parent/Patient Panel

This live session features stories from families and their experiences with newborn screening. There is also a presentation on the parental experience of Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Colorado.


  • Amy Calhoun, MD, University of Iowa
  • Erin Darby, MPH, MCHES, Association of Public Health Laboratories


  • Parental Experience of Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Colorado
    ​Erica Wright, MS, CGC, Children’s Hospital Colorado

  • ​Panel: Parents/Patients Discuss Their Experience
    • Corrine Hurst and Tyler Birkenholz
    • ​​​Stephanie and Steven McDonough
    • Karen and Kade Hammes
    • Ashlee and Oladapo Oguntoyinbo