The Award for Outstanding Contribution to Workforce, Training and Continuing Education (formerly known as the ‘Thomas E. Maxson Education, Training and Workforce Development Award’) honors an individual who has made outstanding contributions to public health laboratory workforce development, training or continuing education.
Nominee Considerations
The Award for Outstanding Contribution to Workforce, Training and Continuing Education (formerly known as the ‘Thomas E. Maxson Education, Training and Workforce Development Award’) honors an individual who has made outstanding contributions to public health laboratory workforce development, training or continuing education.
Nominees must be an employee of an APHL member laboratory or CDC and should be a public health laboratory scientist, administrator, trainer or educator who has:
- Made significant contributions to the advancement of workforce development and training in public health laboratory science and practice.
- Worked to provide continuing education opportunities, programs, policies or practices internally and/or externally through outreach to their public health partners.
- Demonstrated a history of service with APHL committees, taskforces or workgroups focused on workforce development, continuing education or training.
The Award shall be conferred on an individual only once. Formal recognition for this award will take place at the APHL Annual Conference.
Past Maxson Award Recipients