[Membership has]…given us an opportunity…to interact with the total public health community … [and to find] ways that we’re able to work with public health to actually benefit the public.
– Peter Kelley, director, National Accounts, Hologic (Watch his interview)
APHL is a 501(c)(3) organization that represents a unique membership of over 1,500 members from public health, environmental, agricultural and other public sector laboratories. With a history of more than 70 years, APHL is positioned to serve as a link between members, government health agencies and private sector partners working to strengthen the laboratories that protect public health and safety. With five levels of membership to choose from, there’s a place for everyone to support public health.
Would your company like to:
Expand its business in the government laboratory sector?
Gain visibility in the laboratory and public health communities?
Position itself as a supporter of the only organization representing government laboratories?
Learn more about the public health laboratory community and related public policy?
Be part of a membership organization that values a high level of engagement between sustaining members and standing committees?
Guarantee your company visibility among a unique membership of public health, environmental, agricultural and other public sector laboratories, scientists and partners. APHL Sustaining Membership brings multiple opportunities for visibility: complimentary exhibit booth space, registrations to the APHL Annual Meeting, discounts on advertising, placement of your company’s logo and website link on the APHL homepage and a complimentary set of member mailing labels. Additional opportunities are available to companies who join at the top tiers of membership.
Gain insight into the work of APHL through committee membership, speaking at an association event and participating in the annual Corporate Leadership Council meeting, which brings together industry and public health laboratory leaders.
Let APHL serve as your information broker, delivering time-critical information from member communiques and alerts as well as subscriptions to the weekly eUpdate newsletter and quarterly Lab Matters magazine.
For more information, contact Camille Walker, Manager, Corporate Relations, at 240.485.2784, camille.walker@aphl.org.