Last updated January 2024
Publications and Books
The APHL Infectious Disease program frequently publishes a variety of documents, including survey reports, white papers, meeting summaries and guidance documents. A comprehensive list of infectious disease-specific publications can be found in APHL's Publication Library.
A Complex Virus, A Coordinated Response: Public Health Laboratories Battle Zika, 2018
Lessons from a Virus: Public Health Laboratories Respond to the H1N1 Pandemic, 2011
Publications for Historic Context
Best Practices for Specimen Storage and Retention, 2016
Infectious Disease Planning and Response Framework Checklist, 2013
Translational Research: A Public Health Laboratory Imperative, 2011
New Trends in HIV Diagnostics for PHLs, 2011
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing: 2009 APHL Survey, 2011
Molecular Testing Capacity in PHLs, 2010
Core TB Laboratory Services for Public Health Laboratories, 2009
The Future of TB Laboratory Services: A Framework for Integration, Collaboration and Leadership, 2004
Webinars and On-Demand Training
APHL has transitioned our webinars (live and archived), online courses and other training resources to the APHL Learning Center. Many of these resources are freely available and eligible for continuing education credits. All other conferences, meetings and other training resources are availble in APHL's training search site. Using this link will take you to all ID-specific content!
The APHL Infectious Disease program has also developed a number of Global Laboratory Resources in coordination with a number of stakeholders. These items are not currently in our training search site but are available for use.
Members Only Resources
APHL provides resources to state and local public health laboratories to aid in the detection, identification and surveillance of infectious diseases. Here you'll find protocols, guidance documents and other materials intended for APHL member laboratories.