Page ContentSharpen your informatics skills and explore issues affecting the public health informatics community with these resources. Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) ELR TA Overview - This brief document provides an introduction to the Electronic Laboratory Reporting Technical Assistance program, and details the process for submitting a request for technical assistance for your public health agency. Meaningful Use (MU) Federal Register - This final rule outlines Stage 2 of meaningful use, which will take effect in 2014. For up-to-date information on MU incentives and on the development of Stage 3, visit the ONC website. NIST ELR HL7 V.2.5.1 Validation Tool - Laboratories can use this tool to validate HL7 2.5.1 messages against Meaningful Use 2014 criteria. Electronic Laboratory Surveillance Message (ELSM) ELSM Overview - This brief document provides an introduction to the projects that utilize the Electronic Laboratory Surveillance Message (ELSM), including the Public Health Laboratory Interoperability Project (PHLIP) and the Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (VPD) Project. PHLIP Overview - This brief document provides an introduction to the Public Health Laboratory Interoperability Project (PHLIP); it outlines PHLIP's objectives and use cases. Flu Test Encoding Guideline February 2014.xls (Click "Save" when prompted) - This document provides laboratories with guidelines for how to encode influenza tests when sending ELSM. Flu ELSM Deprecated codes.xls (Click "Save" when prompted) - These codes have been deprecated and superseded by other codes through the Change Control Process. Laboratories should consult the HL7 Influenza Message Guide for more guidance on replacing deprecated codes. HL7 v231 APHL Influenza Messaging Guide ORU v1.0.2.doc (Click "Save" when prompted) - This document describes the APHL/CDC implementation of HL7 messages for influenza testing in conformance with HL7 message standards. APHL Informatics Messaging Services (AIMS) AIMS Hub - In response to demands form its partners, APHL has deployed an environment that hosts a variety of secure messaging services. The APHL Informatics Messaging Services (AIMS) Hub is a secure, cloud based environment that accelerates the implementation of public health messaging solutions by providing shared services to aid in the transport, validation , translation and routing of electronic data. CDC Messaging and Vocabulary Resources PHIN Messaging System - CDC's home page for PHINMS offers installation instructions and support. PHIN Message Quality Framework - The MQF validates the structure and content of an HL7 message in EDI text format. PHIN VADS Value Sets - This repository contains value sets for PHLIP ELSM value sets, as well as ELR HL7 v.2.5.1 value sets and many other message guides. PHIN VADS RCMT - The Reportable Condition Mapping Table (RCMT) contains lists of LOINCs and SNOMED codes for reportable conditions to aid in the mapping of local to standard codes. HL7 Messaging Resources HL7 Website - Visit the HL7 website for sources for standards, working groups, classes and more. 7Edit - The HL7 message validator application. HL7 Table 396 - A vocabulary table of coding systems. HL7 OID Registry - Online HL7 Object Identifier (OID) registry that allows users to register, search for, and edit OIDs. Vocabulary Resources LOINC Website - The Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) website includes database and mapping tools. National Library of Medicine (NLM) Newborn Screening Terminology Guide - standard codes and terminology for newborn tests, presented in a series of tables that can be viewed online or downloaded. SNOMED Website - Systematized Nomenclature of Medical - Clinical Terms. VTSL SNOMED CT Core Browser - Virginia Tech hosts a web-based SNOMED CT browser that includes international core content and the veterinary extension. UMLS Terminology Services - The National Institutes of Health hosts a web-based browser to search the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) which includes several medicine related terminologies. For SNOMED CT the UMLS offers a US Edition that includes the US extension terms and the international core concepts, as well as commonly used subsets like problem lists and route of administration. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again.