​​Launched in 2013 by APHL and the CDC's Division of L​​a​​​​boratory Systems, the Informatics Self-Assessment Tool has been recently revised to better meet use​r requirements.

The tool allows public health laboratories to assess strengths and gaps in informatics capability by addressing 19 critical operational areas. It charts data longitudinally, enabling laboratories to measure growth and leverage results to advocate effectively for their needs. The tool also offers a suite of data visualization tools that display assessment data graphically and segmented in multiple ways.

APHL will use the aggregate data collected through the tool to identify national trends and to garner support for key informatics initiatives.  

How to Use the Tool

Public health laboratory directors have been set up in the Self-Assessment Tool with administration rights. Others may request to use it. To register your laboratory and obtain login credentials, contact Rachel Shepherd (240.485.2796). Rachel is also available to provide a walk-through of the tool and to answer questions.​

The developers of the tool recommend reviewing the PDF version​ of the tool before submitting answers in the online application.