
The APHL Global Health program has released this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit bids from qualified applicants to support the advancement of informatics initiatives across public health stakeholders.​

Informatics Expertise and Technical Assistance Support for Core APHL Global Health Informatics Initiatives

APHL is seeking to identify informatics subject matter experts (SMEs) to work individually and/or within a team setting with APHL staff and other contractors, partners and key stakeholders, to support current and future-funded APHL Informatics program work. APHL may make separate awards to one or more SMEs in each of the specific areas discussed in the Core Informatics TA Scope of work section of this RFP. APHL will identify appropriate projects and roles dependent on applicant responses and may award one or more active roles or initiatives to successful applicants as project and program initiatives are finalized and resource needs identified. In addition, awardees identified through this RFP process will constitute the APHL technical assistance resource pool through the end of the current APHL/CDC cooperative agreement period which ends on September 29, 2024, this approach is similar to the federal contracting model known as indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity (IDIQ).

Applicants will respond to the following expertise areas:

  1. Project Management and Coordination
  2. Business Analysis
  3. Vocabulary, Terminology and Coding
  4. Architecture
  5. Data and Systems Integration
  6. Systems design and development
  7. Data visualization and analytics

Response Submission Deadlines

APHL will follow the anticipated RFP schedule unless otherwise modified on APHL's procurement site. If there is a change to the RFP schedule following the letter of intent deadline, APHL will contact the main point of contact identified in their letter of intent directly.

Applicants must meet the following three important submission deadlines related to this RFP: the letter of intent email, final response submission and, if applicable, revised or updated submission. Applicants who submit proposals in advance of the deadline may withdraw, modify, and resubmit proposals at any time prior to the indicated deadline.

Web​inar information:​

Webinar PowerPoint Presentation


Anticipated RFP Schedule

The following dates are set forth for informational and planning purposes. APHL will communicate any modification to this anticipated schedule on APHL's procurement website (https://www.aphl.org/rfp/Pages/default.aspx) and via email to all applicants that submitted a letter of intent.

All due dates have a 5:30pm EDT deadline unless otherwise indicated.

May 25
RFP Issued
June 5Informational Teleconference (Optional)
June 7Email with questions due
June 12Letter of Intent Due Date (Required)

NOTE: The deadline for the letter of intent is revised to be June 19th.  The deadline for the final submission of the RFP is unchanged
June 26RFP Responses Due Date
July 14Proposal Review and Evaluation Complete (follow-up interviews if needed)
July 28Final review completed, and awardee(s) selected and notified
TBDContract awarded – dependent on final contract review and ratification by all parties.

RFP Point of Contact

APHL will manage all RFP communication with applicants through APHL's central email inbox: globalhealth.informatics@aphl.org.  Please include the title of the RFP in the subject line of all email correspondence.

RFP Materials

APHL will post all RFP-related documents, current schedule information and answers to all submitted questions and clarifications on APHL's procurement site, The official RFP document will provide detailed information in regards to this request, please read it in its entirety.​

  1. ​​AIMS Guide​​
  2. Toolset and Requirements
  3. Workforce and Competencies
  4. FHIR Regional Training
  5. ​Data Security White Paper Task Order
  6. ​Data Integration and Centralization Task Order​
  7. Online Training Task Order
  8. Business Process Modeling  Task Order

Questions and Answers

Might reviewers view an offer to supply a commercial solution, rather than providing SMEs to work on new unspecified solutions, as "non-responsive" to the RFP?

If selected as SMEs, would recommending the commercial solution to programs that are intending to develop something new with similar functionality be viewed as a conflict of interest?

Is it a 10 page limit for the entirety of the scope to which the vendor is responding (e.g. if responding to all 8 sections—PM/Vocab/Business Analysis/Workforce Competencies, etc)—the total narrative for all 8 sections should not exceed 10 pages? Or is it a 10 page limit per scope area (as stated in the RFP)—so a response to just 1 scope area (e.g. Project Management and Coordination) could include a 10 page response for a potential total page limit of 80 pages for narrative response?

In the RFP PDF, please note the following error on Page 31 under Data and Systems Integration