+ Eligibility
Can a non-public health laboratory or public health center apply?
All state or local US public health laboratories or TB Control programs are eligible to apply provided their proposal is written in collaboration with their jurisdictional counterpart. If a non-public health laboratory or a public health center is interested in applying they must partner with their jurisdictional public health laboratory or TB Control program as they are the entities eligible for applying. A non-public health laboratory or public health center cannot be the lead applicant or apply individually for this RFP.
If the laboratory is the lead author on the application do they just need a letter of support from the jurisdictional TB Program?
Yes, a letter of support is needed but we also expect evidence of collaboration as defined in the programmatic needs for the expansion of testing.
+ Process
Who is the contract with? Who is dispersing the funds?
The selected sites will enter into a contract with the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) and APHL will be dispersing the funds for the project through the contract.
How does the contracting process work?
Once the RFP closes and the final sites have been selected and notified, APHL will require the name of the specific entity that will serve as the contractor. APHL will draft a contract with deliverables, milestones, and a statement of work. Once the contract is reviewed internally at APHL, it will be sent to the named contractor for review and signature.
Does the page limit on the application include the budget?
No, the budget can be included as an appendix.
Can we apply for Option 1 and 3? Can it be in the same application?
Yes, applicants are welcome to apply to both. The decision to submit one or two applications is up to the applicant. If you choose to submit as a single application please make sure to consider that you will need to clearly respond to the questions for the two different options and that there is a page limit.
+ Budget
Can salaries or partial salaries be included in the budget proposal (new hire or current staff)?
Yes, but they should not constitute the entire scope of the project and significant consideration should be given to the time frame of project period (~ 6 months) and (including the hiring process) sustainability of funding a position. Additionally, if salaries are requested, applicants should clearly identify and define how it will be sustained once the funding ends.
Would support for a courier expense cover salary for a person or would it only cover a contract for courier services?
While the budget could include salary for a courier, applicants should be mindful that this is a one-time funding award so consideration should be given and included in the application about how supporting a salary could be sustained beyond this project period.
What is the upper limit of funding for this RFP?
While APHL has placed no fixed limit on the amount of funding an applicant may request, the association recommends that interested laboratories submit proposals with a budget of less than $100,000.
Can we include multi-year service contracts in the budget?
Yes, but the funds would need to be expended within the award period for the contract.
Can we purchase IGRA test kits to be used beyond the project period?
Yes, but you need to keep in mind the volume of testing and the expiration date of the kits.
Would the RFP cover upgrading or changing the current laboratory platform to increase testing volume?
Yes. For example, if your laboratory was using a manual platform and wanted to convert to a more automated method to allow an increase in the number of tests performed that would qualify under this RFP.
Can the budget include items such as centrifuges for the clinics for sample preparation?
Yes, these items are acceptable to include in the budget for the application.
Can the budget include indirect costs?
Yes, please provide a justification so we can give appropriate consideration to the budget.
+ Technical Inquiries
What is the timeline for the evaluation component to be completed?
We recognize that the project is short which impacts the type of metrics that can be used. You would need to define metrics that can be addressed within the project period (January-June 30, 2016). Additionally, there is room in the sustainability plan to address any future metrics that could be used to evaluate more long-term impacts of the project.
What is the role of the RTMCCs in this RFP?
This RFP is wholly independent from the RTMCCs and all state or local US public health laboratories or TB Control programs are eligible to apply provided their proposal is written in collaboration with their jurisdictional counterpart.