​The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Informatics program has released this​ Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit bids from qualified applicants to: (a) evaluate the APHL Informatics Messaging Services (AIMS) electronic case reporting (eCR) platform on defined categories stated in the RFP, and (b) recommend strategies and solutions for process and performance improvement of the AIMS eCR.

Period of Performance

APHL will work closely with the successful awardee(s) to determine the period of performance based on a final agreed upon scope of work; however, the initial period of performance will have an end date of June 30, 2021.​​ APHL may consider additional work orders post June 30, 2021, dependent upon funding availability, project direction, and awardee performance.


This is an open and competitive process.

Anticipated RFP Schedule

The following dates are set forth for informational and planning purposes. APHL will ​communicate any modification to this anticipated schedule on APHL's procurement website (www.aphl.org/rfp) and via email to all applicants that​ submitted a letter of intent.

Note: All due dates are 5:00 pm ET unless otherwise indicated 

December 15, 2020RFP Issued
December 21, 2020Informational Teleconference (Q&A)
January 15, 2021
Required Letter of Intent Due to APHL 
January 20, 2021
Final Questions or Clarifications Due                    
February 5, 2021RFP Responses Due
February 8 – 19, 2021Proposal Review and Evaluation (follow-up interviews if needed)
February 26, 2021Final review completed, and awardee selected


RFP Questions and Clarifications

This RFP is designed to provide the necessary information applicants need to prepare competitive proposals for the work described; it is not intended to be comprehensive. Each vendor is responsible for determining all the factors and information necessary to submit a comprehensive bid proposal to APHL.

Vendors are invited to submit questions and requests for clarification regarding the RFP. All communication should be in the form of an email submitted to the identified APHL email address: informatics@aphl.org.

Questions and requests for clarification must be in writing and received by close of business on January 20, 2021. 

APHL Email Contact

APHL requests that applicants refrain from phone calls or verbal RFP questions and clarification requests except when specifically initiated by APHL staff.

APHL will manage all RFP communication with applicants through a central email inbox. Applicants will send all questions, clarification requests, and letters of intent to informatics@aphl.org. 

RFP Materials

The Official RFP Document will provide detailed information, please read it on its entirety. APHL will post all RFP-related documents, current schedule information, and answers to submitted questions and clarifications on APHL's procurement site, www.aphl.org/rfp.  

RFP Page Limit and Formatting Specifications

An applicant's proposal must be limited to 15 pages of narrative and visuals. If an application exceeds this 15-page limit, only the first 15 pages will be sent to the evaluation team, and review scores will be based solely on the portion of the proposal submitted for review.

An application should have a font size of 11 points or larger and page margins of at least 0.5 inches.

Informational Teleconference

APHL held an informational teleconference on December 21, 2020 at 3:00 pm ET. The call provided potential applicants with an opportunity to ask APHL and CDC partners cla​​rifying questions ahead of the required letter of intent. 

​A presentation was shared during the teleconference and answers to questions posed during the session are provided below in the Questions and Answers section. 

​​APHL requests that potential applicants send additional questions to informatics@aphl.org as these questions arise.

Response Submission Deadlines

APHL will follow the anticipated RFP schedule unless otherwise modified on APHL's procurement site http://www.aphl.org/rfp. Applicants must meet three important submission deadlines related to this RFP. The letter of intent email, final response submission and revised or updated submission. Applicants who submit proposals in advance of the deadline may withdraw, modify, and resubmit proposals at any time prior to the indicated deadline.

Letter of Intent

Applicants must submit a letter of intent, via email, to informatics@aphl.org. APHL must receive the letter of intent email no later than 5:00 pm ET on January 15, 2021.  

To allow for appropriate revie​​​w process planning, APHL requires that prospective applicants submit a brief email statement indicating an intent to submit an RFP response along with the identity and contact details of the responsible party.

Final Submissions

Applications Due: February 5, 2021 | 5:00 pm ET

APHL must receive complete applicant responses no later than 5:00 pm ET on February 5, 2021. Applicants should send submissions to informatics@aphl.org, with a copy to Leslie McElligott, specialist, Informatics (leslie.mcelligott@aphl.org). It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that the proposal is delivered to APHL by this deadline. Applicants must address the required proposal elements for the response to qualify as "complete." APHL may terminate or modify the RFP process at any time during the response period. APHL will acknowl​edge the receipt of the applicant's complete RFP response via e mail within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgment please email informatics@aphl.org to confirm receipt.

Questions and Answers

Question on orders of magnitude and growth: Do you have orders of magnitude in the growth projections for the messages and message types? Is there quantity in different types as well?

Question on validation rules and the services: As the messages come in and potentially get rejected – how are they changed and how are those incorporated?

Are these cPT codes or ICD 10 or both?

Are these requirements driven by what the reporting agencies want to have? Or are there gaps on the reports they are receiving? What are the drivers for the condition list? Is this primarily based on customer demand?

Is APHL expecting the cost proposal to be submitted as Fixed Price, or Time and Materials?

In the Period of Performance, it states the initial period of performance will end on June 30, 2021, with an expected award date of February 26, 2021 in the Anticipated RFP Schedule section. However, the Funding Information section states that “a maximum compensation amount of $300,00 for the first six months of this contract.” Is the period of performance 4 months or 6 months?

Note: A similar question was submitted by another bidder:“Please clarify if expected project duration is four or six months” The following answer applies to both submitted questions.

Are the cover page, cover letter and cost proposal counted in the 15 page limit?

For the Optional Task cited on page 8, is the submitter expected to provide pricing for the optional task? If so, what scope criteria should be used for pricing given that the scope will be linked to the main deliverables of the technical assessment?

Please clarify if expected project duration is four or six months

Can full resumes of proposed staff be included in an appendix outside of the 15 page limit?

Are the evaluation criteria required for this Response?

    1. Describe how the bidder will work with the Agency of Education program manager to ensure successful evaluation outcomes.
    2. Approach to address functional requirements, system requirements: security requirements.
    3. Approach to training, documentation.

Describe how the bidder will work with the Agency of Education program manager to ensure successful evaluation outcomes.

Approach to address functional requirements, system requirements: security requirements

Approach to training, documentation