​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The APHL informatics program has released this Request for Proposals (RFP) to solicit bids from qualified applicants to support the advancement of informatics initiatives across public health stakeholders. This RFP is broken into two separate scopes of work. Although we encourage applicants to respond to both scopes of work, applicants have the choice to limit their response to a single scope area. APHL will award each scope area independently and may select one or multiple awardees per scope area. ​


This is an open and competitive process.

Anticipated RFP Schedule

The following dates are set forth for informational and planning purposes. APHL will communicate any modification to this anticipated schedule on APHL's procurement website (www.aphl.org/rfp) and via email to all applicants that submitted a letter of intent.

Note: All due dates have a 5:30pm EDT deadline unless otherwise indicated.

10/01/2021RFP Issued
10/12/2021Informational Teleconference (Optional)
10/14/2021 Letter of Intent Due Date (Required)
10/27/2021Final Questions or Clarifications Due Date
11/01/2021RFP Responses Due Date
11/10/2021Proposal Review and Evaluation Complete (follow-up interviews if needed)
11/19/2021 Final review completed, and awardee(s) selected and notified
TBD Contract awarded – dependent on final contract review and ratification by all parties.


RFP Point of Contact

APHL will manage all RFP communication with applicants through APHL's central email inbox: informatics@aphl.org. Please include the title of the RFP in the subject line of all email correspondence.

RFP Materials

The Official RFP Document will provide detailed information, please read it on its entirety​. APHL will post all RFP-related documents, current schedule information and answers to all submitted questions and clarifications on APHL's procurement site, www.aphl.org/rfp

RFP Questions and Clarifications

This RFP is designed to provide the necessary information applicants need to prepare competitive proposals for the work described; it is not intended to be comprehensive. Each applicant is responsible for determining all the factors and information necessary to submit a comprehensive bid proposal to APHL. APHL invites applicants to submit questions and requests for clarification regarding the RFP.

Applicants must submit all questions and requests for clarification via email to by close of business October 27, 2021.

RFP Informational Teleconference (Optional)

APHL held an optional teleconference on Tuesday October 12, 2021at 3:00 pm ET.

During this call, APHL reviewed the RFP scope of work and allowed​​​ potential applicants to ask clarifying questions ahead of the letter of intent due date.​

Informational Teleconference Call-in Information:

Topic: APHL RFP Informational Teleconference: Informatics Technical Support and eCR Services to Public Health Agencies

Informatics Technical Support and Services to Public Health Stakeholders Informational Teleconference Slides​

Informational Teleconference Call Recording: ​


Response Submission Deadlines​​

RFP Letter of Intent

To allow for appropriate review process planning, APHL requires that prospective applicants submit a brief email statement indicating an intent to submit an RFP response, the scope area(s) they responding to, along with the identity and contact details of their primary contact(s).

RFP Final Submissions

Applicants must submit responses to APHL, with a copy to Leslie McElligott: leslie.mcelligott@aphl.org. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the proposal is received at APHL by this deadline.

Applicants must address the required proposal elements for the response to qualify as "complete". APHL may terminate or modify the RFP process at any time during the response period. APHL will acknowledge the receipt of the applicant's RFP response via email within 48 hours of submission. If you do not receive an acknowledgment, please email APHL to confirm receipt. APHL must receive complete applicant responses no later than 5:30 pm EDT on ​ November 1, 2021. ​

Questions and Answers​

Question about the proposal page limit: On the bottom of page 8 it says that each proposal area is limited to "10 pages of narrative and visuals." The table on the bottom of page 10 then describes in a little more detail what might be in the proposal in four areas (Management Approach, Technical Approach, Organizational Background, Transition). This table does not precisely line up with the proposal requirements in the eCR subject area. Is it APHL's intention that all this content (as described here and in the subject areas) fit into ten pages (for each project area)?

Question about including resumes: If we include resumes can they be excluded from the page count?

Question about structuring the price proposal: How does APHL want respondents to structure the price proposal? Is it included in the page count? Would a rate table with labor categories be sufficient?​

Question about developing the price proposal: The RFP documents references a price evaluation and price realism as possible secondary evaluation criteria on page 12. Is pricing required during with the proposal submittal on November 1, 2021? ​​​ If so, would APHL provide instructions to the vendors regarding the format and specifics required for the pricing submittal? Is each vendor to define their own labor categories? Are the labor category hourly rates required for all possible years of the contract or just the initial year? In addition to labor rates, does APHL expect any other direct costs that should be included in a vendor’s pricing.

Question about the proposal structure and content: The Informatics section lacks any instructions for proposal structure and content, including budget/rates. Can APHL provide some guidance?

Question about the eCR vendor team role: Under Process, will the vendor team be leading content development? Participating? If so, what can you tell us about how many artifacts there will be and the level of effort to develop/help develop them?

Question about the number of anticipated eCR jurisdictions: How many jurisdictions will the project team be expected to work with to help understand level of effort required?

Question about eCR technical implementation/integration at Public Health Agencies (PHAs): Under making eCR content available, it includes "planning and strategy roadmaps, security and information models, set-up and configuration, and database and mapping implementations." Is the contractor expected to provide actual technical implementation services on existing PHA platforms and systems in the agencies as implied by this sentence?

Question about the eCR scale of work: For RFP Scope One: Advancement of Electronic Case Reporting at Public Health Agencies, is there a specific amount of work to quote in terms of number and type of PHAs to assist? Any guidance on the scale of work required that can be used by to inform effort estimates is appreciated.

Question about proposal-based project team models: Is APHL open to proposal-based project team models where vendor teams own delivering on the scope for one or more PHAs? We are wondering APHL requires proposals to instead fit into staff augmentation framework where responsibility is at the individual staff member level rather than vendor team level.

Question about message transformation and processing: For RFP Scope One task area 5d on page 20 there is reference to, “Management of payload transformations and version compatibility should be considered.” Would APHL provide details on the message transformation and processing expected to be completed by the vendor team?

Question about eCR incumbent: For the eCR proposal, is there an incumbent already performing that work?

Question about the eCR budget: For the eCR proposal, is there an anticipated yearly budget for the task orders?

Question about multiple awards: Will there be multi awards for each of the scope efforts?

Question about preparing the response: If responding to both scopes, should the responder prepare two completely separate submission documents (with their own cover sheets, appendices, etc.) or combine them into one submission document?

Question about the evaluation approach: During the Information Teleconference a refence was made to the approach APHL will take to evaluate the proposals and additional materials would be provided. Will those still be posted?

Question about responding to the eCR scope 1 approach: On page 22 of the RFP, pertaining to Scope 1 ECR, proposers are requested to provide “Potential technical approaches”. Please clarify that proposers are to provide technical approaches to the 8 items listed under the Scope of Work section beginning on page 17: 1. Process, 2. ECR Consultancy, 3. ECR Payload Receipt and Transmission, 4. Make eCR and related content available to local PHAs, 5. Consume eICRs and RRs, 6. Data integration and support services, 7. Training and education, 8. Facilitate PHA communication and education.