​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​APHL and the Newborn Screening Technical assistance and Evaluation P​rogram (NewSTEPs) is seeking a fourth cohort of newborn screening programs to participate in a continuous quality improvement (CQI) initiative. The Newborn Screening Systems Quality Improvement Project provides tailored support to successful applicants allowing for a customized/collaborative approach to quality improvement and is guided by the following goals:  

  1. Assess needs and engage state newborn screening programs for participation in a multidisciplinary collaborative network focused on newborn screening quality improvement projects.
  2. Coordinate and facilitate quality improvement projects and data-driven outcome assessments, utilizing evidence-based quality improvement methodologies within each participating state newborn screening program.
  3. Create a model for replication, sharing and sustainability of continuous newborn screening quality improvement projects.

RFP Process Overview

September 15, 2021         –         RFP Issued

September 22, 2021         –         Technical Assistance Webinar at 1:00 pm ET 

October 29, 2021              –          RFP responses due by 11:59 pm ET to APHL 

November 12, 2021          –          Awardees notified

December 27, 2021          –          Contracts ratified between APHL and awardees​

NOTE: Funding begins December 27, 2021. However, the drafting and ratification of contracts may take longer than planned depending on the NBS program. APHL will communicate any modification to this anticipated schedule​ on APHL's procurement website (www.aphl.org/rfp) and via an email blast to the NBS Programs and the public health laboratories.

Technical Assistance Webinar 

The registration window for this webinar has closed. Review the technical assistance recording here. Additional support and resources can be found here.

​​Eligible Applicants

Eligible applicants include all US and territorial states including newborn screening programs and stakeholders who have identified a quality improvement project of interest.​​


The Official RFP Document will provide detailed information in regards to this request, please read it on its entirety. You may also download the fillable Appendices PDF and review past funded proposals. Feel free to contact Chenelle Norman at Chenelle.Norman@aphl.org with any questions.​

If you have additional questions, office hours will be held on Monday October 4 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm ET, Friday, October 8 from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm ET, and Monday, October 11 from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ET. Connection information for office hours are as follows: MS Teams Meeting or call in at +1 240-673-1998/conference ID: 148 980 380#​

Questions and Answers​​

What is the funding ceiling per QI Project?

Can applicants apply for more than one year of funding?

You mentioned earlier that a state program can apply for multiple projects. Can you please elaborate? Within the same fiscal year or an annual basis?

Can we apply unique Quality Improvement (QI) projects – uniquely specific to our state newborn screening (NBS) program needs?

Can states work on disorders that are not included on the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP)?