• Explore APHL's Career Pathways!

    Explore APHL's Career Pathways!

Thank you for your interest in the Career Pathways APHL-CDC Fellowship and Internship program. Due to the recent executive orders, we are revising our applications and will reopen the application on March 3. During this pause, please begin to prepare your application so you are ready to submit. There is a tab on each program's website landing page that you can refer to that will allow you to begin your application. 

​​​​Program Performance Dashboard

The purpose of the Performance Dashboard is to provide important information to our users on the success of our program and program detailed unidentifiable summary information about our mentor, fellow and intern applications.

The dashboard helps to monitor the application process, track matching progress, evaluate institutional representation, and assess the overall engagement of mentors, fellows and interns. It serves as a centralized tool for decision-making, program optimization, and ensuring a successful fellowship and internship experience. 

Please contact fellowships@aphl.org with any questions about this interactive dashboard.​