​​​​​​​​​​Public Health Laboratory Fellowship Program: an APHL-CDC Initiative

​​​​When we say “public health laboratory” we mean local, state and territorial government laboratories focused on protecting the public’s health. That includes laboratories performing human, environmental, animal and food testing to monitor for and detect  health threats. 

​​Mentors from APHL member or non-member laboratories are encouraged to apply as long as the mission of their laboratory supports public health initiatives. Prior to application submission, please review the host laboratory and mentor requirements ​outlined below. Learn more about the application process.​

New EPR Mentorship Opportunity!

Beginning in 2024, a new program focus area will launch and APHL will be seeking mentors with interest and experience in emergency preparedness and response (EPR). Take part in training the next generation of public health laboratory leaders while contributing to the public health laboratory workforce. Learn more.

Fellowship Project Supply Funding

Mentors can apply to receive a reimbursement of up to $10,000 per fellow, per fellow contract year, to support individual fellowship projects. Please see the dropdown below for more details.

​Applications Are Now Open

​Apply ​Now

Applications are currently being accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis

On December 14, 2024 we will be pausing the Fellow Candidate Pool for routine maintenance. During this pause, any saved items you have in the pool will be archived.  

If you are actively working to find a fellow for your project, we encourage you to document the names of the fellow candidates you have saved in the Fellow Candidate Pool, including those marked as potential or have marked as interview requested. Please note that ID numbers will change when the Pool is relaunched, so you should not rely on finding the same candidate by their ID number. You can also download the candidate’s application by using the Download Application button on the right-hand​ side of the application.

The Fellow Candidate Pool will reopen on February 3, 2025. If you have placed an offer request using the Interview Feedback Form before December 14, 2024, we will work to secure the match during the pause.  ​

​Questions About the Application Process?​​

If you have questions about the application process, please send us an email to fellowships@aphl.org​. If your questions cannot be answered over email or you need technical assistance, feel free to attend our weekly office hours on Wednesdays from 3 – 4 pm ET.​​