​October 20–24, 2024 | Omaha, Nebraska


The 2024 APHL Newborn Screening Symposium will address state, national and international newborn screening, genetic testing and policy issues important to public health newborn screening systems. Topics include molecular technologies, current and upcoming conditions, quality improvement, communicating with families and the public, short- and long-term follow-up and more.

​Participants will enhance their knowledge of national and international newborn screening and genetics as related to emerging laboratory techno​logies, follow-up, candidate conditions, quality improvement and clinical outcomes. 

More information about the symposium will be forthcoming. We look forward to seeing you then!

Testimonials from the 2023 APHL/ISNS Newborn Screening Symposium

“Thank you for a wonderful celebration of 60 years of screening and focusing on the system, nationally and internationally. The speakers did a great job."

“...The new information I gained from the BIG issues surrounding informed consent, privacy and the future of genome sequencing, and the debate on how those things are impacting NBS worldwide, was the most enlightening for me. ”

“...The presenters flowed through their presentations. They were quick and holding the questions until the end was very effective. I liked that both virtual and in-person attendees could ask questions and receive answers in a written format virtually.”