
​​​​​​The LEAD Award, established in 2021, recognizes the legacy of Eva J. Perlman, APHL's first chief learning officer, who over three decades helped shape the public health laboratory workforce and represented the attributes of ‘serving those who have served.’ The criteria for the award are based on characteristics inspired by Eva through her service to APHL and our members. The LEAD award will honor an individual who exhibits the attributes of a leader, encourager, advocate and developer, and who has approximately 10 or more years of service in a state, local or territorial public health laboratory, or other public health laboratory partner.

  • As a leader, the recipient demonstrates results to the formation and growth of leadership development initiatives.
  • As an encourager, the recipient consistently supports career progression and champions individual development.
  • As an advocate, the recipient applies their skills to the laboratory community for workforce priorities and resource needs.
  • As a developer, the recipient continues to go above and beyond in their responsibilities to strengthen leadership at the state, local, territorial or national level.

The above are examples to help the nominators frame their response and are not intended to be an all-inclusive list of potential attributes that describe the successful nominee for this category. Candidates and nominators may or may not be a member of APHL. Candidates may hold any rank or title within their respective institutions. Managerial or formal leadership experience is not required. The LEAD Award shall be conferred on an individual only once.​ Formal recognition for this award will take place at the APHL Annual Conference​.