APHL Media Advisories

To be ad​​ded to APHL's media list, email Michelle Forman at michelle.forman@aphl.org.​

You can find recent media statements in the dropdown lists below, or search​ all APHL News Releases on the APHL Blog.

​​About APHL

​​​The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) represents over 120 state and local governmental public health, environmental and agricultural​ laboratories—known as public health laboratories—from every state, US territory and the District of Columbia, as well as many cities and regions.​

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​​About Public Health Laboratories​

Public health laboratories are America's first line of defense against a wide range of health threats—including COVID-19. These labs perform diagnostic testing and disease surveillance, and form the backbone of a national laboratory network that responds to novel strains of disease, natural disasters, chemical spills, foodborne outbreaks and other health emergencies. ​