Connect to your system partners with a Laboratory System Improvement Program (L-SIP) assessment, now available to all state and local public health laboratory systems. Thirty-eight states and six local municipalities have already completed an L-SIP assessment. Six states and one local municipality have completed an L-SIP reassessment.
Interested in an L-SIP Assessment?
Tina Su to begin the process.
What is L-SIP?
APHL’s Laboratory System Improvement Program (L-SIP) advances the efficacy of state and local public health laboratory systems through a guided process of performance evaluation, system improvements and periodic evaluation and reassessment. Participating member laboratories receive resources and technical assistance to guide them on their way to system excellence.
Why L-SIP?
Here are some of the benefits that L-SIP produces for state and local public health laboratory systems:
Provides a foundation for the accreditation of state and local public health departments by the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB).
Provides a benchmark for public health laboratory system practice improvements, by setting a “gold standard” to which public health systems can aspire.
Improves communication and collaboration by bringing partners (e.g., first responders, key constituencies, public health and other laboratories, etc.) together.
L-SIP Marketing Materials
Resources for L-SIP Participants
System assessment reference documents:
Examples of L-SIP Websites from Previous Assessments: