
APHL serves as a focal point for environmental laboratory communication, training, policy and interactions with the federal government. Environmental health laboratories and staff may join APHL as Associate Institutional members.

COVID-19 Resources


Access APHL's live and archived webinars.



APHL members can access our Biomonitoring Toolkit (sign-in required), a set of resources, announcements and discussions on a number of related topics. 

Environmental Health Laboratory Communications

APHL is in the process of creating a set of resources for laboratory directors and communications officers to better advocate and promote the role of environmental health testing and the laboratories that perform it.

​​Other Resources​

expand Topic : Chemical Threats ‎(1)
expand Topic : Environmental Laboratories ‎(6)
expand Topic : EPA Methods ‎(9)
expand Topic : Exercises ‎(4)
expand Topic : Radiological Threats ‎(8)