Informatics refers to the development, application and leveraging of systems and technologies that allow the efficient capture, coding, transport and exchange of data to inform decision making around public ​health and patient or clinical health. ​

APHL collaborates across the nation’s public health network by identifying needs and developing solutions for the electronic transmission of laboratory data. 

​​Providing Technical Assistance to Support our Member Laboratories

APHL offers direct technical assistance and support to public health laboratories, agencies and other federal, local and commercial partners to help improve public health outcomes. Technical assistance include​​s the facilitation and development of standards-based messaging, the development of messaging routes, improving laboratories’ reporting capabilities (ELR), assistance with LIMS procurement, and leveraging shared resources to offer infrastructure solutions and enhancements. 

Learn More About APHL's Technical Assistance Offerings

​​​Pioneering AIMS, the APHL Informatics Messaging Service

​APHL developed and maintains the APHL Informatics Messaging Systems (AIMS)​, a secure, cloud-based platform that serves as a national data exchange solution for public health. More than 200 public health and clinical laboratories, federal organizations, and medical providers use AIMS to transport, translate, validate and host their electronic data, ensuring that the right information gets into the right hands quickly to inform decision making and surveillance. 

Learn How This Platform is Being Utilized in the COVID-19 Respon​se​​

​​Driving Informatics Innovatio​n

APHL strives to convene the public health community to foster creation and development of innovative solutions to complex problems, such as: 

Learn More About Other ​Informatics Initiatives