The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) received funding through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to implement a laboratory information system (LIS) and central laboratory data management system at the Indonesian Balai Besar Teknik Kesehatan Lingkungan public health laboratories (B/BTKL-PPs) with support from the Indonesian Ministry of Health (MOH) surveillance program.  Through a 2021 review of different LIS available in Indonesia, the MOH opted to use an open-source LIS, Elektronik Sistem Informasi Manajemen Data Terpadu (ESIMDADU).

The purpose of this RFQ is to solicit bids for an information technology team that will be responsible for configuring, customizing, implementing, training and maintaining on ESIMDADU, an open source LIS, at B/BTKL-PPs laboratories in Indonesia. ​​​

​Duration of Awards

The initial award will be made through September 29, 2022. Any subsequent awards will be made during the following financial year for APHL's cooperative agreement with CDC.  

RFQ Submission

Responses must be sent to APHL by e-mail attachment in MSWord or PDF format (electronic signatures accepted) to E-mail attachment is the preferred means of receipt.  E-mail responses must be received at the APHL office by 5 pm WIB (Western Indonesia Time zone)/6 am Eastern time (U.S) on Feb 23, 2022.  Submitters will receive a confirmation of receipt of their proposal by APHL.  APHL may terminate or modify the RFQ process at any time during the response period.  

Responses that are not received by the stated deadline shall be determined to be non-responsive and at APHL's discretion may not be considered in the review of respondents.  There are three parts of the review for the award of this contract by APHL.    ​

​​Award Announcement

APHL will inform selected and non-selected applicants of the award decision on March 15th, 2022. APHL will post a list of selected programs on APHL's procurement website,

 All applicants will be entitled to utilize APHL's RFQ Appeals Process to formulate an appeal regarding alleged irregularities or improprieties during the procurement process. Specific details of this policy are located on the procurement website.​


​​The Official RFQ Document English version and Bahasa version ​will provide detailed information in regards to this request, please read it on its entirety. Direct all questions regarding this RFQ or its requirements via email to​.

​"​In the event that any confusion exists between the two versions, the English language version will prevail."