​APHL is looking to identify three laboratories, including all member public health laboratories and hospital and academic laboratories that have unrestricted access to one of the three FDA-cleared automated RPR systems and meet the specific expectations regarding methodologies to be used by the awardees are outlined in Appendix A: Expectations for Automated RPR Evaluation. All applicants are required to agree to the minimum requirements as outlined in Appendix B and detailed below:  

  • Established experience and competency with syphilis testing.  
  • Established and demonstrated competency and capacity using one of the following automated RPR systems : ASI Evolution, AIX1000 or BioPlex 2200 Syphilis Total and RPR Assay 
  • Sufficient and unrestricted access to the equipment and laboratory supplies, laboratory space and workforce capacity for the proposed number of specimens to be tested.

Anticipated RFP Schedule

August 28, 2019               –             RFP Issued

September 9, 2019          –             Informational Teleconference (Q&A)      

September 13, 2019                    Letter of Intent Due to APHL (see below)

October 9, 2019                           RFP Responses Due

October 24, 2019             –             Proposal review completed

October 25 & 28, 2019    –            If needed, follow-up interviews and updated proposals due

October 31, 2019             –             Final review completed and awardees selected

November 1, 2019           –             Draft contracts submitted to APHL Legal Dept. for final internal review

APHL will communicate any modification to this anticipated schedule on APHL's procurement website (www.aphl.org/rfp) and via an email blast to the public health laboratories (PHLs).

Response Submittal

Confirmation of Intent to Respond

APHL requests that prospective applicants submit a brief email statement indicating an intent to submit a proposal. APHL must receive this email by no later than 5:00pm EST on Friday, September 13, 2019

Final Response

APHL must receive complete responses by 5:00 pm EST on Wednesday, October 9, 2019. Please see Proposal-Required Submissions section in the Official RFP PDF for items that must be included in the completed proposal.  Applicants may send proposals via email to Anne.Gaynor@aphl.org

APHL will send an email acknowledging the receipt of your application; if you do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours, please email the RFP points of contact above to confirm receipt.

Additional Information and Deadlines for Application Submission

Applicants must direct all questions to Anne Gaynor at anne.gaynor@aphl.org . APHL will post questions received from interested laboratories, together with the answers provided by APHL or CDC staff at the bottom of this page.

Applicants must submit applications to Anne Gaynor at APHL (Anne.Gaynor@aphl.org; 8515 Georgia Ave Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD, 20910; telephone: 240-485-2739; fax: 240-485-2700).

APHL must receive applications, attention Anne Gaynor by close of business (5:00pm ET) Wednesday, October 9, 2019. Either electronic or physical submission is acceptable. APHL will send an email acknowledging the receipt of each application; if you do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours, call 240-485-2739 to confirm receipt.


The Evaluation of Automated Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) Systems for the Diagnosis of Syphilis RFP (revised 9.10.2019)  provides detailed information in regards to this request, please read it in its entirety. Additionally, feel free to contact Anne Gaynor at Anne.Gaynor@aphl.org with any questions.

Questions and Answers

Are selected sites required to perform manual RPR?

What is the timeline of performing the 10 replicates for the reproducibility portion of the evaluation?

How will the specimens be disbursed throughout the project?

Which results/tests are required to be run/reported for the BioPlex 2200 Total Syphilis and RPR Kit?

Should the submitted budget include testing for all samples in the RFP?