The Association of Public Health Laboratories, Inc. (APHL, or the Association) has a long standing partnership with the United States (US) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Center for Preparedness and Response (CPR) to strengthen the nation's ability to prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters and chemical, biological, radiological and emerging threats. A critical aspect of strengthening preparedness and response capabilities and capacities is ensuring policies and programs have effectively identified and prioritized critical gaps and that solutions have been appropriately vetted and coordinated across the public health system. To support CDC CPR efforts, APHL's Public Health Preparedness and Response (PHPR) Program works across the public health system with the private and public sectors to shape scientific frameworks and strategic plans.

The work described in this request (RFP) for proposal ensures opportunities for input from public health partners that shapes policies and plans to augment critically needed capabilities that will strengthen national health security.

Through this RFP, APHL seeks to identify an organization or individual who can support a data gathering project, including the following tasks:

  • Work in collaboration with CDC to understand CPR goals and objectives for a Public Health Preparedness and Response (PHEPR) Science Agenda
  • Identify Subject Matter Experts to help identify key issues in select PHEPR areas
  • Develop an approach to solicit individual input from subject matter experts in virtual working sessions
  • Convene and facilitate virtually and/or in-person a series of up to 4 discussion sessions or workshops with a cross-section of subject-matter experts on PHPR
  • Develop a summary report from the working sessions, including a list of key issues to inform CDCs PHEPR Science Agenda

RFP Process Overview

Applications are due to the individual(s) specified in the Final Response section of this RFP by 5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on January 22, 2021. APHL anticipates the following schedule for the entire competitive bidding process:

  • December 22, 2020: APHL issues RFP
  • January 6, 2021: Required Letter of Intent due to APHL by 5:00 pm EST
  • January 22, 2021: Complete RFP responses due to APHL by 5:00 pm EST
  • January 22 – January 29, 2021: Proposal review
  • January 29, 2021: APHL publicly announces the names of the selected applicants on its procurement website,
  • February 1, 2021 Anticipated start date of project

APHL will post any modifications to this anticipated schedule to APHL's procurement website,

Eligible Applicants

Interested parties must submit a proposal to APHL that provides all of the information specified in the Submission of RFP section below. In order to be considered for funding, an applicant must ensure APHL has a complete proposal no later than the Proposal Due Date specified in the RFP Process Overview section above. Applicants will find proposal submission information in the Submission of RFP section below.

Confirmation of Intent to Respond

APHL requires that prospective applicants submit a brief email statement ("letter of intent") indicating intent to submit a proposal by no later than 5:00 PM EST on January 6, 2021. The letter of intent should be emailed to (ATTN: Chris Mangal). While the letter of intent is not binding and does not enter a contractor or consultant into the review of the RFP, the information that it contains allows APHL's evaluation team to plan the contract development and review process. It is required for consideration of application. Potential applicants must include the name of the organization or individual that will submit the proposal in their letter of intent.

Final Response

APHL must receive a complete proposal by no later than 5:00 PM EST on January 22, 2021. Applicants should submit proposals via email to (ATTN: Chris Mangal). The applicant is responsible to ensure that APHL receives the proposal by this deadline.

APHL will send an email acknowledging the receipt of your application. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 48 hours, please call 240-485-2769 and email

RFP Materials

The Official RFP Document will provide detailed information, please read it on its entirety. APHL will post all RFP-related documents, current schedule information, and answers to submitted questions and clarifications on APHL's procurement site,