​​​​​Public health laboratory professionals who work to design and deliver workforce training and development opportunities within their organizations are urged to connect with APHL's wider training community to optimize their access to training materials, resources and information.

Training Community Opportunities​​​

APHL provides a number of opportunities for the community to engage with each other and receive timely information and resources. Please note, these opportunities are restricted to governmental laboratory staff. 

  • Training Partner (TrP) ColLABorate Community 
    Use the community to post questions/answers, access resource materials and interact with others in the community about training, education and outreach.

  • Collaborative Workgroups (CWG)

    • ​​​The Sentinel Collaborative Workgroup discusses sentinel laboratory preparedness training and drills. 

    • The Chemical Threat Workgroup discusses chemical threat preparedness practices and outreach activities.

  • Training Partner Connection newsletter
    Monthly email newsletter highlighting topics of interest to the training community. See previous editions.

We also welcome input and ​​insight on training issues or needs from our training community by using the request form below. Such as:

  • P​​rovide feedback about problems with laboratory testing of public health significance that might have training implications.

  • Provide information on needs for training on new laboratory equipment or procedures.

​Training Community Connection R​equest

Use the request form to sign up to participate in the TrP Community opportunities above. Click the button below to submit a request. 

If you do not have an account with us, you will need to create an account (using your work email address) before submitting an APHL Training Community Connection Request. Contact admin.sp@aphl.org with any login or account questions.

Submit a Training Community Connection Request​

Learn More

For more information about the Training and Workforce Development program at APHL​, please see the Public Health Laboratory Training Partner Handbook.​​​

For additional assistance with accesssing laboratory training and information, APHL created four short instructional videos. 

  • Finding APHL Training and Resources
  • Searching for APHL Laboratory Training and Events
  • Engaging with APHL ColLABorate Communities
  • Utilizing the APHL Training Portal

Learn More and Access the Videos.

​Public Health Laboratory (PHL) Bench Scientist Community​

The purpose of the PHL Bench Scientist Community is to support career development and growth, to gain a stronger understanding of the public health professional identity, to engage as part of the larger public health laboratory community and to have access to available resources, including advice and knowledge from experienced members, such as supervisors and directors. For interest in this community, contact Pam Moleta​.


Email training.support@aphl.org​